Your Pixel Dungeon
NOTE: This mod is currently not being updated due to other priorities.Your Pixel Dungeon is a modification of the open source game Pixel Dungeon, which is a popular roguelike for the android platform. This mod currently adds a tutorial and a map editor feature. Maps can be exported to/imported from a public folder called YourPD. When connected to a computer you can copy the files in the folder to send to other people, and put other peoples' maps on your own phone (if you have downloaded any and placed on your phone).Main Contributors: Eric Britsman, Özgür Tanriverdi & Anton Grönlundsee also: http://pixeldungeon.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:25535 & http://www.reddit.com/r/PixelDungeon/comments/2sefhv/your_pixel_dungeon_v095_quickslots_key_rings/License information can be found here: gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.htmlOur source code can be found here: https://github.com/QuattroX/pixel-dungeonThe original game can be found here: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.watabou.pixeldungeonThe original source code can be found here: https://github.com/watabou/pixel-dungeonPlease feel free to leave a review, any feedback is much appreciated!GENERAL TIPSThe game uses autosave (so don't worry about how to save manually). The save for a character is deleted if the character dies.MAP EDITOR TIPSYou can scroll up/down in the map editor views.You can have max 10 custom dungeons (with any amount of depths). Longclick on a file in the first page of map editor to access the file delete dialog. The tabs in the second page of the map editor are scrollable, you may need to scroll a bit to access and modify a certain depth. If a floor tab is long-pressed, the delete dialog for the tab (and that floor in the map) can be accessed. Due to a bug if you delete floor 1 when only 2 floors are left and floor 1 is selected, you will need to go out of the tabs view and reselect the map you were editing (to force refresh UI).You will automatically get a "finish" screen when descending the last staircase in your custom dungeon.If you want the player to start at a certain level with certain items, the best solution right now is to have your first depth be mob-free, then add items and experience potions as needed to depth 1 then have the "real start" be from depth 2.The game's wiki has information about all items, mobs, rooms etc : pixeldungeon.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page MAP EDITOR LIMITATIONSDepths are generated based on the custom settings, but the layout of each depth will always be random (you will find everything you have specified, but it will be in a different place on the depth each time).Boss type depths can only be modified with items (and always contain the "correct" boss).Rooms can currently not be modified. As such, Shop room is not selectable since the items in it is based on "standard" 25 floor dungeon logic.Sign contents/placement is not currently supported.Quests are not currently supported.Cannot set starting level/equipment of the player character.//YourPD team 注意:此国防部目前没有更新由于其他优先事项。你的像素地牢是开放源代码的游戏像素地牢,这是一个受欢迎roguelike为Android平台的修改。这个mod目前增加了一个教程和一个地图编辑器功能。地图可以导出到/从一个名为YourPD公用文件夹进口。当连接到一台计算机,你可以复制文件夹中发送给其他人,并把其他人的地图上你自己的手机(如果你已经下载任何和放置在您的手机上)。主要贡献:埃里克Britsman,Özgür的坦勒韦尔迪与安东Grönlund另见:http://pixeldungeon.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:25535&http://www.reddit.com/r/PixelDungeon/comments/2sefhv/your_pixel_dungeon_v095_quickslots_key_rings/许可信息可以在这里找到:gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html我们的源代码可以在这里找到:https://github.com/QuattroX/pixel-dungeon原来游戏可以在这里找到:play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.watabou.pixeldungeon原始源代码可以在这里找到:https://github.com/watabou/pixel-dungeon请随时给评论,任何反馈是非常赞赏!大会的提示游戏采用自动保存(所以不用担心如何手动保存)。如果角色死亡保存为一个字符被删除。地图编辑器提示您可以在地图编辑器的意见/上下滚动。你可以有最多10个自定义副本(与深度的任何金额)。 Longclick在地图编辑器的第一页的文件来访问文件删除对话框。在地图编辑器的第二个页面的标签是滚动的,你可能需要滚动了一下访问和修改一定的深度。如果一个地板片长按,可以访问当前标签删除对话框(和地板中的地图)。由于如果删除1楼只有当2层楼的左,1楼选择错误,你将需要走出去,标签视图和重新选择你正在编辑的地图(强制刷新UI)。在自定义地牢降最后的楼梯时,您将自动获得一个“完成”屏幕。如果你想玩家开始在一定水平具有一定的项目,最好的解决办法,现在是需要深度1,那么有“真正的开始”有你的第一深度是暴徒,无则加物品和经验药水是从深度2。本场比赛的wiki有大约所有项目,小怪,客房等信息:pixeldungeon.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page地图编辑器限制基于自定义设置生成的深度,但每个深度的布局永远是随机的(你会发现你所指定的一切,但它每次都在不同的地方上的深度)。老板类型的深度只能与项目修改(总是包含了“正确”的老板)。客房可目前还没有被修改。因此,铺房是不能选择,因为它的项目是根据“标准”25楼地牢逻辑。注册内容/位置目前不支持。目前不支持任务。不能设置开始游戏者角色的水平/设备。// YourPD团队


开发商: Eric Britsman
版本号: 1.0c催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-03-10
语言: 英文



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