Dinosaur Mercenary 3D
You are the lone mercenary soldier on an Island that has been overrun with Jurassic Dinosaurs.Your Mission is to reestablish control of the Island by taking out all of the unwelcome guests. Thrive in the face of adversity as you gain more experience by winning battles against these ancient beasts. This is an all out,take no prisoners, dinosaur war. Develop your hunting skills as you complete 15 epic missions. As the hunter, your goal is to survive the epic battles and advance. Attack the enemies before they race after you. This game combines the best features of 3D Open World style play with quests to complete.App Highlights:***Hunting for Dinosaurs has never been more exhilarating and fun.***3D Graphics and Special Effects. ***Mini Map to help you complete your missions***Stunning Visuals, Soundtrack & Sounds***Includes realistic 3D Raptor, TRex, Triceratops, Carnotaurus, Dilophosaurus and Velociraptors, and many more***Become an excellent Sniper hunter and shoot down these wild jurassic monsters, one by one.***The weapon options include Pistol, Shotgun, AK47, and Sword***Win your battle and advance to the next mission***High Quality Jungle Island environment complete with jungle plants***Time of day changes from sunrise to sunset.***The more you play, the more powerful the mercenary soldier becomes***A realistic fighting 3D simulatorChoose from a close attack with a sword, or a distant attack with a gun. If you find yourself surrounded, you can always run to safety behind a jeep, quad bike, army tent, or boxes. Your survival depends on it. Be sure to check us out on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sharkweed-Apps/1597505993851225Also on Twitter : https://twitter.com/sharkweedSharkweed Premier is a collection of high quality games. Please don't hesitate to stop by our Facebook page and leave a comment or suggestion.We hope you enjoy playing Dinosaur Mercenary. 你是在已经充斥着侏罗纪恐龙的岛孤佣兵。你的任务是采取所有的不速之客重建岛的控制权。在逆境中茁壮成长,你获得赢得针对这些古兽战斗更多的经验。这是一个全力以赴,采取任何囚犯,恐龙战争。发展你的狩猎技能,完成15史诗般的任务。作为猎人,你的目标是生存的史诗般的战斗和进步。攻击敌人,他们之后比赛开始前。该游戏结合了3D开放世界式打法的最佳功能与任务来完成。应用亮点:***狩猎恐龙从未更令人兴奋和乐趣。*** 3D图形和特殊效果。***迷你地图,以帮助您完成任务***惊人的视觉效果,原声带和声音***包括逼真的3D猛禽,Trex公司,三角龙,食肉牛龙,双脊龙和伶,多***成为一个优秀的狙击手猎人击落这些野生侏罗纪怪物,一个接一个。***武器选择包括手枪,霰弹枪,AK47,和剑***赢得你的战斗,并推进到一个新的使命***高品质丛林岛的环境完全丛林植物***日变化从日出到日落的时间。***你玩的越多,越强大的佣兵变得***一个现实的战斗3D模拟器您可以选择用剑,还是一个遥远的攻击用枪近距离攻击。如果你发现自己所包围,你总是可以运行到后面的一辆吉普车的安全性,四轮摩托车,帷幄,或箱子。你的生存依赖于它。一定要检查我们在Facebook上:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sharkweed-Apps/1597505993851225同时在Twitter上:https://twitter.com/sharkweedSharkweed总理是高品质的游戏的集合。请不要犹豫,停止我们的Facebook页面,并发表评论或建议。我们希望你喜欢玩恐龙佣兵。


开发商: Sharkweed Premier Apps
版本号: 1.0催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-02-28
语言: 英文



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