Destined Memories : Romance Otome Game
✢✢Synopsis✢✢ You are an acrobat performing in a land torn apart by war. During a performance in your hometown, an unexpected guest creates a stir. That same night you are unexpectedly attacked by soldiers of the Empire… You are saved by a trio of thieves, one of whom you recognize from the audience of your earlier performance. When they invite you to become a member of the team you adamantly refuse, until they promise you something that is hard to turn down… Clues to your forgotten past. What do the thieves want? How will your relationship develop with the three men? Rediscover your past and find true love in a world of steampunk adventure! ✢✢Characters✢✢ ♠ Augustus — The Charismatic Leader The enigmatic owner of ‘Harrington’s Flying Co.’ Augustus is a well-known and respected figure. But behind the public image lies the truth — he is the leader of a notorious band of thieves. Equal parts suave magnate and mysterious bandit, can you uncover the real Augustus... ♠ Griffin — The Reserved Engineer Griffin is the man behind the scenes. Everyone relies on his judgement to ensure the success of the mission, no matter how difficult things become. More comfortable with machines than people, you will need patience to break through his aloof demeanour... ♠ Sidney — The Energetic Bodyguard Never far from Augustus, the athletic and energetic Sidney brings boundless enthusiasm to the group. His impulsive and light-hearted attitude propel the bandits forward, but is there darker side to this fun-loving bandit... ✢✢概要✢✢ 您是在杂乱的土地上表演的杂技演员。 在您的家乡演出期间,一个意外的客人引起了轰动。那天晚上,您出乎意料地受到帝国士兵的袭击…… 您被三名小偷拯救了,您从早期的表演中认出了其中的一名。 当他们邀请您成为团队成员时,您会坚决拒绝,直到他们向您承诺很难拒绝的事情为止……为您遗忘的过去锦上添花。 小偷想要什么? 您与这三个人的关系将如何发展? 在蒸汽朋克冒险世界中重新发现自己的过去并找到真爱!     ✢✢人物✢✢ 奥古斯都(Augustus)-具有超凡魅力的领导者 奥古斯都的“哈灵顿飞行公司”的神秘主人是著名的人。 但是,公众形象背后隐藏着真相-他是一个臭名昭著的盗贼团伙的领袖。平等的部分温和着大亨和神秘的强盗,您能发现真正的奥古斯都吗?   ♠Griffin —保留的工程师 格里芬是幕后的人。 无论事情有多困难,每个人都依靠自己的判断来确保任务成功。机器比人更舒适,您需要耐心才能突破他的超然风度。   ♠悉尼-充满活力的保镖 充满活力和活力的Sidney离奥古斯都很远,给团队带来了无限的热情。他的冲动和轻松的态度推动了土匪前进,但是这个爱好娱乐的土匪却有更黑暗的一面……


开发商: Genius Inc
版本号: 3.1.11催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2023-10-19
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 5.1及更高



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