The House of Grudge : Romance Otome Game
■Synopsis■Every night, you’re haunted by a disturbing dream… You’re in an old mansion confronted by an old woman whose face becomes more and more twisted as she talks to you. Finally, she attacks you and you wake from the nightmare. You try to talk to your friend Trevor about it, but he isn’t convinced it’s anything to worry about. Meanwhile, you continue to be haunted by the dream every night…One day at the library, you bump into a man named Gavin. He drops a book and as you go to pick it up, you realize that it has a photo of the mansion from your dreams! What secrets does your dream hold? Who is the old woman? Can your friends help you solve the mystery?! Find out in The House of Grudge!■Characters■The Active One - TrevorTrevor’s athletic and can be a bit arrogant but has a good heart. You’ve been good friends with him since you were young and he’s always liked your proactive nature. He’s skeptical at first, but he decides to help you and gets involved in the investigation. The Mysterious One - GavinGavin is a man of few words that is searching for his lost sister. He realizes that the disappearance of his sister and the mysterious mansion from your dreams are related and works closely with you to solve the mystery. The Introvertive One - LewisLewis is a fan of the occult and his knowledge helps you in your hunt for the unknown. He’s a bit anti-social, but he enjoys your company. He might just have a thing for you, but he’s not sure of his feelings...yet.■简介■每天晚上,您都会被一个令人不安的梦所困扰……您身处一幢老宅里,面对着一位老妇,当她与您交谈时,老妇的脸越来越扭曲。最后,她攻击你,你从噩梦中醒来。您尝试与您的朋友Trevor谈谈此事,但他不相信有什么要担心的。同时,您每天晚上仍然被梦unt绕…在图书馆的一天,你碰到了一个叫加文的人。他放下一本书,当您去取书时,您意识到书中有梦境中的豪宅照片!你的梦想拥有什么秘密?谁是老妇?您的朋友可以帮助您解决这个难题吗?在怨恨之屋中查找!■人物■活跃的人-特雷弗特雷弗(Trevor)的运动能力很强,但心胸很好。您从小就与他成为好朋友,他一直都很喜欢您的主动性。起初他对此表示怀疑,但他决定帮助您并参与调查。神秘的人-加文加文(Gavin)是一个不知所措的人,正在寻找失去的妹妹。他意识到妹妹的失踪和您梦想中的神秘宅邸是相关的,并与您紧密合作来解决这个谜团。性格内向的人-刘易斯刘易斯是神秘学家的迷,他的知识可以帮助您寻找未知事物。他有点反社会,但他喜欢您的公司。他可能只是想为您准备一件东西,但他不确定自己的感觉...。


开发商: Genius Inc
版本号: 3.1.11催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2023-10-19
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 5.1及更高



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