Ultimate Wolf Simulator
Jump into a brand new adventure as a wild Wolf! Survive in a massive world of wilderness that’s filled with new dangers and speedy prey! Recruit, raise, and customize your wolves, hunt down prey to feed your pack, and battle for your life against fierce bosses like the deadly Dire Wolf!Download the Ultimate Wolf Simulator today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited time!Brand New FeaturesREALISTIC SIMULATORYou'll need to maintain your health, hunger, thirst, and energy if you're going to survive in the wilderness!EPIC FIGHTSWield razor sharp teeth and piercing howl to strike fear into the heart of your foes! Deliver the killing blow by leaping through the air and pouncing on your enemy! Sic your pack on nearby prey to increase your hunting efficiency.BUILD YOUR WOLFPACKDominate other wolves and recruit them to your pack! Play as any wolf in your pack and create a powerful family of predators! Every wolf in your pack now has health, stats, and rankings providing significantly more immersive gameplay!BREED WOLF PUPSWant to build your very own family? Breed wolf pups that will grow into powerful members of your clan! Carry them around in your mouth and even run around the den as your puppy!CUSTOMIZE YOUR WOLVESFor the first time ever choose your wolves' name, gender, fur pattern, and even tint them any color of the rainbow to make the pack of your dreams! Reach Alpha status to unlock the heroic furs that show off your prowess as a wolf!LEVEL UP YOUR WOLVESGain experience and level up your wolves to increase their health and attack damage, earn points to upgrade your wolf’s statistics, and increase the size of your pack!EARN STAT POINTSStat Points can be used to enhance the Vitality, Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence of your wolf. Each statistic provides bonus’s to it’s respective traits like Health, Critical Attack Chance, Run Speed, and much more! UPGRADEABLE BUFFSBuff Points can be used to upgrade your Howl and Growl Buffs, which create temporary Stat Boosting auras around your wolf when active! UNLOCKABLE SKILLSSkill Points unlock and upgrade special abilities for your wolves. Upgrade “Vicious Lunge” to unleash a devastating damage-over-time attack or invest in “Lick Your Wounds” to become a powerful healer!RAGDOLL PHYSICSRagdoll physics make your prey dangle from your mouth as you carry them back to your den! Clamp your jaws around the carcass of larger prey and drag them into a secluded area to chow down!MASSIVE REALISTIC 3D ENVIRONMENTRule over the largest environment we have ever created! So big we had to create three unique dens for your wolves to live in!DYNAMIC WEATHER AND DAY/NIGHT CYCLEProcedural weather system with unique storms, clouds, and celestial movement.25 UNIQUE SPECIESDiscover a massive all-new collection of wildlife! Hunt down animals like fox, deer, crocodile, bear, boar, snake, fish, crow, lynx, bison, moose, sheep and of course wolves! Travel to the far corners of the world to find biome specific prey!HD NEXT-GEN GRAPHICSFrom the thick fur and piercing eyes of your wolves to the towering redwoods that looks so real you will forget you’re playing a game!OPTIONAL BLOOD EFFECTSIf you are of age or have your parents permission, turn on the blood effects for some added combat ferocity!GLUTEN-FREE PROMISEWith all of our games you will always get the full game with no ads or additional purchases!Download the Ultimate Wolf Simulator to experience the exciting life of one the most intelligent and complex predators planet on Earth, the wild Wolf!If you liked living as a Wolf then you'll love our other animal simulators! Download our Stray Dog Simulator and live a wild life on the streets as your favorite breed, check out the Snow Leopard Simulator and pounce on your prey from high mountaintops!We plan on creating more sequels so give us a shout and let us know what you want to play next!facebook.com/glutenfreegamestwitter.com/glutenfreegames 跳转到一个全新的冒险为野狼!生存在野外的一个巨大的世界,真实充满了新的危险和迅速的猎物!招聘,提高和自定义你的狼,追捕猎物养活你的背包,和作战为您的生活猛烈打击老板像致命的可怕的狼!下载终极狼模拟器的今天,而它的50%折扣非常有限的时间!全新的功能现实主义模拟器你需要保持你的健康,饥饿,干渴,能源,如果你要在旷野中生存!EPIC打架挥舞锋利的牙齿和刺耳怒吼罢工恐成你的敌人的心脏!通过在空中跳跃和猛扑过来你的敌人提供致命一击! SIC你在附近的猎物包,以增加你的狩猎效率。BUILD YOUR狼群支配其他狼和他们招募到你的包!发挥在你的背包任何狼和建立一个强大的食肉动物大家庭!在您的每一个包狼现在有健康,统计和排名提供显著更加身临其境的游戏!品种WOLF PUPS要建立你自己的家庭?滋生狼幼崽,将成长为你的战队的强大成员!带着它们在你的嘴,甚至周围的书房作为运行你的小狗!自定义你的狼对于首次选择你的狼“姓名,性别,皮毛图案,甚至它们上色彩虹的任何颜色,使你的梦想的包!阿尔法达到的状态,以解开炫耀自己的实力,正如狼英雄皮草!LEVEL UP YOUR狼获得经验和水平的狼来提高他们的健康和攻击伤害,赚取积分来升级你的狼的统计数据,并提高你的背包的大小!赚取属性点属性点可以用来增强活力,力量的狼,敏捷,智力。每个统计提供奖金的给它各自的特点一样健康,严重的攻击机会,运行速度,以及更多!升级BUFF加BUFF点数可以用来升级你的怒吼和咆哮抛光轮,它创建一个在你的狼临时Stat的光环推进活动时!解锁技能技能点解锁和升级的特殊能力为你的狼。升级“恶性伦哥”发动了毁灭性的破坏 - 时间攻击或投资于“舔你的伤口”,成为一个强大的治疗者!布娃娃物理布娃娃物理让你的猎物吊着从你的嘴里,你随身携带他们重新回到你的书房!您夹住下巴周围较大的猎物的尸体并将它们拖到一个僻静的区域,周下来!MASSIVE逼真的3D环境统治我们有史以来最大的环境!这么大,我们不得不为您创造狼生活在三个独特的窝点!动态天气和日/夜循环具有独特的风暴,云和天体运动过程的天气系统。25独特的物种发现野生动物的大规模全新的集合!追捕的动物,如当然狼狐,鹿,鳄鱼,熊,野猪,蛇,鱼,乌鸦,猞猁,野牛,驼鹿,羊!旅行到世界的各个角落寻找生物群落具体的猎物!HD次世代图形从厚厚的皮毛和你的狼火眼金睛到高耸的红杉看起来如此真实,你会忘记你玩游戏!可选活血作用如果你是年龄还是有你的父母同意,打开血液有影响的一些增值作战凶猛!无麸质PROMISE我们的所有游戏中,你总是会得到完整的游戏,没有广告或额外购买!下载终极狼模拟器来体验一个地球,野生狼的最聪明,最复杂的地球食肉动物的精彩生活!如果你喜欢住的狼,那么你一定会喜欢我们的其他动物的模拟器!下载我们的流浪狗模拟器,过着野生动物,在街道上你最喜欢的品种,检查出雪豹模拟器和高山顶扑向你的猎物!我们计划创造更多的续集所以给我们留言,让我们知道你想要什么旁边玩!facebook.com/glutenfreegamestwitter.com/glutenfreegames


评分 3.4 | 版本:1.1.2 | 52M


开发商: Gluten Free Games
语言: 英文
网络: 不需要



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