Shovel commandos 2 clicker !
"The best shovel clicker game! “Shovel commandos” begins yet another infinity challenge. Hellish snow shoveling that every reservist can empathize with! You can experience that hell hole!The best and worst real labor shoveling clicker game “Shovel commandos 2 clicker”!You can now experience the realness of true labor game! Shoveling victory!■■■ Game properties ■■■▶ Single shovel solves everything. You get coins, chocolate breads, and strengthening stones when you shovel.▶ It is a clicker game with easy control that everyone of any age and sex can enjoy.▶ With the mix of clicker and defense genre, you can enjoy the upgraded fun. ▶ The best defense tower of shovel unit emerges to defend against the enemies that disturb the shoveling.▶ Watch and get addicted to cute animation of more than 20 shove unit soldiers.▶ You can recruit and manage up to 100 soldiers.▶ You cannot get bored with different quests and surprise events.▶ 10 items such as fire, 24-hour unlimited shoveling will be of big help in shoveling.▶ Grant specialty to shoveling soldier to see how his shoveling ability increases.▶ You must manage the unit by paying attention to how the cute soldiers express their emotions.▶ Enjoy mini games and chance events such as winning chocolate breads and wheel of fortune in between shoveling.▶ Find the hidden supply boxes while shoveling! You will get huge rewards.▶ Soldiers cannot be resting! Beat them with hammer of love. Then the soldier will change.▶ Check attendance every day and receive reward. ■■■ Game Q&A ■■■▶ What is the difference between free and pay version? Pay version provides idle mode. Also, you can get more rewards.▶ Is it idle clicker game?“Shovel unit-snow shoveling” is not entirely idle game but clicker game with idle modes. But if you become too idle, your shovel unit will abandon you.■■■ Contact us ■■■▶ Shovel unit Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Killtimeapp-Dev/533180616699569▶Shovel unit twitter : https://twitter.com/KillTimeGame▶Shovel unit vingle : https://www.vingle.net/killtimeapp▶Shovel unit NAVER Post : http://post.naver.com/killtimeapp▶Shovel unit HomePage : http://www.killtimeapp.com▶Shovel unit E-Mail : nicekhj3@gmail.com" “最好的铲唱首歌游戏!”铲突击队“开头的又一无限挑战。地狱般的铲雪每个预备役可与同情!您可体验到地狱洞!最好的和最差的实际劳动铲唱首歌游戏“铲突击队2唱首歌”!现在,您可以体验真正的劳动游戏的真实性!铲胜利!■■■游戏性能■■■▶单铲解决一切问题。你得到的硬币,巧克力面包,并加强石头,当你铲。▶这是一个唱首歌游戏易于控制,任何年龄和性别的每个人都可以享受。▶带唱首歌和国防流派的组合,您可以享受升级的乐趣。▶铲单元的最好的防卫塔出现抵御扰乱了铲敌人。▶观察和沉迷于20多个单位推战士可爱的动画。▶你可以招募和管理多达100名士兵。▶你不能厌倦了不同的任务和惊喜活动。▶10个项目,如火灾,24小时无限铲将是很大的帮助在铲雪。▶格兰特特产到铲士兵怎么看他的能力铲增加。▶必须通过关注可爱的战士们如何表达自己的情绪管理的单位。▶享受迷你游戏和偶然事件等殊荣巧克力面包和财富的车轮之间铲。▶查找而铲隐藏的电源箱!您将获得丰厚的奖励。▶士兵不能休息!用爱的锤子击败他们。然后,士兵将发生变化。每天收到奖励▶考勤。■■■游戏Q&A■■■▶什么是免费和付费版本之间的区别?付费版本提供空闲模式。此外,您还可以得到更多的回报。▶它是空闲唱首歌游戏?“铲单位铲雪”不完全是空闲的比赛,但闲置模式唱首歌游戏。但是,如果你变得太闲,你的铲板部会抛弃你。■■■联系我们■■■▶铲实单位:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Killtimeapp-Dev/533180616699569▶铲单位微博:https://twitter.com/KillTimeGame▶铲单位vingle:https://www.vingle.net/killtimeapp▶铲单位NAVER帖子:http://post.naver.com/killtimeapp▶铲单位主页:http://www.killtimeapp.com▶铲单位电子邮箱:nicekhj3@gmail.com“


开发商: KillAppTimes
版本号: 1.3.1催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-03-06
语言: 英文



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