Dragons : the fantasy creatures we all love. In Clan of Dragons, you have the opportunity to control your very own dragons. Fly across the vast landscape while surviving against other fantasy creatures like the Cerberus, the Flying Monster, the 3 Tailed Wolf, giant Venus fly traps, and Dinosaurs. Part adventure and part simulation, this Dragon simulator will take you on an epic journey as you build your warrior clan, use your magic, build your brood, defend against enemies that attack, and ultimately defeat all the Super Bosses. Massive 3D open world style game.HINT : Call your family members to help you when you are near other enemies.Features:**Control your own Fire Breathing Dragon!!**Customize your dragon color**Massive 3D Open World Map**Caves, Mountains, and Rivers**6 Giant bosses **4 Enemy Warrior Clans to defeat**4 Super Bosses**4 Magic Spells - Fireball, Invincibility, Lightning Bolt, and Healing**Flying Monsters, Venus Fly Traps, Giant Wolves, Dinosaurs**Dynamic weather including snow and rain stormsThe story begins by you finding all the members of your clan. Call the other family members when you need help against the enemies. Find the magic spell books to unlock the special magical spells including: Invincibility, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Healing Potion. Earn adventure points by hunting and doing various tasks to upgrade and purchase magic.Upgrade your powers to have stronger magical ability, become more powerful, and have stronger defense, and .This is animal simulation like you have never seen it. Your favorite fantasy elements combined with realistic animal simulation.Evolved is a series of games we created at Wild Foot. We would really like to hear from you. Come and stop by our Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/wildfootgames for updates. Stay tuned for our new Epic Quest series soon to be released.

Be sure and check out our other 3D animal simulators. We understand that the game is by no means perfect and we welcome your constructive criticism. Please email your suggestions. Good luck! 龙:幻想的生物,我们所有的爱。在龙之家族,你有机会控制你自己的龙。在辽阔的风景,而飞对尚存幻想其它类似的生物地狱犬,飞天怪物,3尾狼,巨金星飞行陷阱和恐龙。部分冒险和部分模拟,这条龙模拟器将带您史诗般的旅程,你建立你的战队的勇士,用你的魔法,建立自己的育雏,抵御敌人,攻击,最终打败所有的超级老板。海量3D开放世界风格的游戏。提示:打电话给你的家庭成员,以帮助你,当你靠近其他敌人。特征:**控制自己的喷火龙!**自定义颜色的龙**海量3D开放世界地图**洞穴,山脉,河流和** 6的巨人老板** 4敌军战士氏族打败** 4超级老板** 4魔法 - 火球,无敌,闪电箭和治疗**飞行怪兽,金星飞行陷阱,大灰狼,恐龙**动态天气,包括雪和暴雨故事开始被你发现你的家族的所有成员。调用其他家庭成员,当你需要对敌人的帮助。找到魔法咒语书解锁特殊的法术,包括:无敌,火球术,闪电箭和治疗药水。以狩猎冒险赚取点和做各种任务来升级并购买魔法。升级你的权力,具有较强的魔法能力,变得更加强大,并具有较强的防御和。这是仿真动物就像你从来没有见过的。你最喜欢的奇幻元素与现实仿真动物相结合。演进是一系列的,我们在野生脚设计的游戏。我们真的想听到你的声音。快来和我们的Facebook页面停止:HTTPS://www.facebook.com/wildfootgames更新。敬请期待我们的新史诗探秘系列即将发布。请务必检查我们的其他的3D动物仿真。据我们了解,本场比赛绝不是完美的,我们欢迎您的建设性的批评。请将您的意见。祝你好运!


开发商: Wild Foot Games
版本号: 1.3催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2020-06-17
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 4.4及更高



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