Block Battles: Heroes at War
Welcome to Block Battles: Heroes at War, a fast paced super fun competitive online top-down shooter. Jump into these mobile friendly blocky wars and battle friends or foes. Unlock new heroes each with their own super power. Rise to the top of the leaderboard ranks and force your friends to admit your supremacy.— INTENSE ONLINE BATTLES —Got nimble thumbs? Block Battles: Heroes at War gives all the power to the player. You move and shoot freely about the map. No auto-aim. No click-to-move. Just you and your ability to dominate the multiplayer match. Run and gun or head for cover while waiting for your health to regenerate. Then jump from the black of the shadows, unleash your character's super power and force your score to the top. Marvel at the unique ability of each super hero and work to unlock them all. There are 3 maps included with the initial release of the game: Pixel City, Iron Station X, and Apocalypse Temple. Additional maps will be added with each update.— CIVIL WAR —From Europe to Asia to North and South America heroes all over Earth have engaged with the super powered beings of Pixel Planet X in all out intergalactic civil war! Villains and heroes, men and women, mutants and iron avengers, beings of all kinds struggle for supremacy. Perform well in battle and you will be rewarded. Earn chances to unlock each of the blocky heroes. Each hero has their own unique super power and stylish blocky pixel look. Who will you choose to fight as in this super powered clash?— AMAZING HEROES —Unlock the captain of Earth's Iron Avengers - America Eagle! Or play as the lava man mutant of the apocalypse - Volcano! Who needs a gun when you can create sweet explosions using - Candy Man! Command water as the salty sea captain with the mutant x gene - The Captain! Throw flames as the part man, part dog hero - Sparky!Smash as the colossal marvel of the natural world - Heft!Blast lasers as the one-eyed leader of the Pixel Men - Cyclops!Gun for your foe with the iron fortified rocket barrage of - Red Steel!Spread the swarm and protect the hive with - Bee Man!She loves America, the 4th of July and Fireworks - Hoopla!And many more fun characters to choose from...— FAME AND GLORY —Give yourself an awesome online name that will strike fear into the hearts of your foes. Win online, get heroes, show you power. It’s tons of fun! Pwn your friends and AI bots. Rise to the top and become the marvel of the hero world. Block Battles: Heroes at War is fully enabled for Google Play leaderboards. Chase your friends scores or go for the glory of ranking on the global leaderboards. The world needs a hero!The blocky world is in turmoil, the civil war has reached it's crescendo, the apocalypse is nigh. Will your heroes rise to be the avengers of planet earth or will men and women marvel as you reign in super powered terror?Block Battles: Heroes at War is the multiplayer shooter game designed for simplicity and all out fun. Look for updated game balancing and new game content in the near future. 欢迎光临座战役:在战争中,一个快节奏的超级好玩的竞技网游自上而下的射手英雄。跳进这些移动友好的块状战争和战斗的朋友或敌人。解锁每个都有自己的超能力新的英雄。上升到领先榜队伍的最前面,迫使你的朋友承认自己的霸主地位。 - INTENSE ONLINE BATTLES - 有灵活的大拇指?座战役:在战争英雄给所有的力量的球员。您移动和关于地图自由拍摄。没有自动瞄准。无点击即可移动。只有你和你的能力称霸多人比赛。跑轰或头罩在等待您的健康再生。然后从阴影中的黑色跳跃,释放你的角色的超强动力,迫使你的分数顶端。惊叹于每个超级英雄和工作解开他们所有的独特能力。有3个地图包含了游戏的初始版本:像素市铁站X和启示寺。附加的地图会随每次更新添加。- 内战 -从欧洲到亚洲到北美和南美英雄遍布地球都在全力以赴银河内战像素X行星的超级动力的生存订婚了!恶棍和英雄,男人和女人,突变体和铁复仇者,各种人类奋斗的霸主地位。在战斗中表现出色,你会得到回报。赢取机会解锁每个块状英雄。每个英雄都有自己独特的超强动力和时尚的块状像素的样子。谁你会选择在这个超级动力的冲突打? - 惊人的英雄 - 解开地球的铁复仇者队长 - 美国鹰!火山 - 或为灾难的熔岩人突变玩!谁需要一把枪时,你可以使用创建甜蜜爆炸 - 糖果人!命令以水为咸船长与突变的X基因 - 船长!投掷火焰的一部分人,一部分狗英雄 - 斯帕克!粉碎的自然世界的巨大奇迹 - 分量!爆炸激光器作为像素男子的独眼领袖 - 独眼巨人!枪用的铁强化弹幕火箭你的敌人 - 红钢!传播群,保护与蜂巢 - 蜜蜂的人!她热爱美国,七月和烟花4日 - 喧闹!还有更多有趣的人物可供选择... - 名声和荣耀 - 给自己一个真棒网上名称,将打击恐成你的敌人的心。网上赢了,拿到英雄,给你力量。它的无穷乐趣! PWN你的朋友和AI机器人。上升到顶部,并成为英雄世界的奇迹。座战役:在战争英雄为谷歌游戏排行榜完全启用。追你的朋友的分数或去上排名全球排行榜的荣耀。世界需要一个英雄!块状世界的动荡,内战已经达到了它的高潮,世界末日就在眼前。将你的英雄上升为地球的复仇者还是会男女惊叹,你统治超级动力的恐怖?座战役:在战争英雄的多人射击游戏设计简单和全力以赴的乐趣。寻找更新的游戏平衡和在不久的将来新的游戏内容。


开发商: Wizard Games Incorporated顶级开发商
版本号: 1.0.1催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-02-08
语言: 英文



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