9th Dawn RPG Free Demo
Are you a fan of oldschool RPGs like Ultima, but crave the openness and exploration in modern games? If so, we at Valorware are dedicated to giving you just that! We are proud to present 9th Dawn, a game that's a blend of modern and traditional design and gameplay and sports the largest open world experience available today in a mobile RPG! Explore the large island continent of Montelorne, a land far detached from the mainland, but filled with mystery, danger, and last but not least, adventure. You begin your journey in the small village of Agaria, but once you gain your bearings, you'll find yourself immersed in a world of its own. Play as one of three of the traditional classes: The sturdy knight, skilled in the art of combat and possessing the ability to wield heavy armour and weapons; the nimble archer, capable of swiftly dispatching a foe from afar or up close with his daggers; the wise mage, master of the elements and capable of utilizing powerful magic spells and summoning abilities to obliterate the enemy.Whether it's searching for hidden artifacts and treasure, helping the troubled Montelornians with the rising undead armies, or simply exploring the massive world and its many towns, dungeons, and forests, there is no shortage of fun for a bold adventurer to partake of!------------------------------------------------------NOTE: There is currently no built in way to transfer your character from the free version to the full version. If you have a rooted device, it is possible and there are numerous methods for doing it. Some users on our forum have done this, so you can post there for instructions on how to do so.This is the free demo version of the game! If you enjoy it, please check out the full version!If you previously had the tech demo installed, this version of the demo is completely new and has content from the full version of the game. We encourage you to update your demo and try it again!--------------------------This game requires around 130MB of available RAM to play. If you do not have the required amount of available memory, the game may crash (at startup or in game), display a black screen, or have no graphics because there isn't enough memory to load them. There is nothing we can really do about this, since this is how much memory is necessary to load the media and content of the game. 像创世纪的老校友RPG游戏你是一个球迷,但渴望在现代游戏中的开放性和探索?如果是这样,我们在Valorware致力于只是给你!我们自豪地介绍9日黎明,这是一个融合传统和现代的设计和游戏和体育最大的开放式世界的经验今天在手机RPG游戏!探索大岛的Montelorne大陆,土地远从大陆分离,但充满了神秘,危险,以及最后但并非最不重要的,冒险的。在你开始你的旅程的小村庄Agaria,但一旦你得到您的轴承,你会发现自己沉浸在自己的世界。发挥三个传统类:坚固的骑士,熟练掌握战斗的艺术,并拥有挥动沉重的盔甲和武器的能力;灵活的射手,能够迅速派遣一个来自远方的敌人或近距离与他的匕首;聪明的法师,主元素和能够利用强大的魔法和召唤能力抹杀敌人。无论是搜索隐藏的文物和珍宝,帮助陷入困境的Montelornians上升的亡灵军队,或者干脆探索庞大的世界和它的许多城镇,地牢,和森林,不存在短缺进行了大胆的冒险家分享的乐趣!-------------------------------------------------- ----注:目前有没有内置的方式来转移你的性格,从免费版本的完整版本。如果你有一个根深蒂固的设备,它是可能的,有无数的方法,这样做。我们的论坛上的一些用户已经做到了这一点,所以你可以发布有关于如何做到这一点的说明。这是免费的演示版的游戏!如果你喜欢它,请检查出完整的版本!如果你以前安装技术演示,这个版本的演示是全新的,从完整版的游戏内容。我们鼓励您更新您的演示,然后再试一次!--------------------------这个游戏需要大约130MB的可用内存发挥。如果你不具备所需的可用内存量,游戏可能会崩溃(在启动时或在游戏中),显示黑屏,或有没有图形,因为没有足够的内存来加载它们。没有什么我们真的可以做,因为这是多大的内存是必要的加载媒体和内容的游戏。


开发商: Valorware
版本号: 1.92催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-02-08
语言: 英文



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