Wild Dog Survival Simulator
This games takes you on an epic journey into the world of the Wild Dog. Now you get the chance to see how they behave in the wild. Come play the second in a series of Super Simulators. We have created a huge open world game with many places to explore, loads of animals, and plenty of challenges. Find the Crocodile Den, the Bear Cave, the Horse Sanctuary, and the Bat Cave. They hold the secrets to the game. The goal is to find all 4 members of your wild dog family. They are being held captive by the giant bosses. Your second task is to defeat all the giant bosses. Start this ultimate game of dog survival now! Thrive and survive as you take on all the challenges of a huge forest map.NOTE : Your family members will help you defeat the big bosses. Use the call button to get them to help you. Its a really cool feature.Top Highlights:--Upgrade your Dog's Strength, Stamina, and Speed--Find all 4 members of your doggy family--Defeat all 4 big boss characters - Giant Bat, Bear, Horse, and Crocodile--10 Different Forest Animals included--4 Different Times of Day, alternating weather patterns including rain and snow--Huge Open World 3D Map with awesome graphics--Survival is the name of the gameThis animal simulator has been designed with all ages in mind. Come Like us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/wildfootgamesPlease check out our other 3D animal sims -We realize the app is not perfect, and we welcome your constructive criticism. At Wild Foot we are looking for things we can do to improve the app. Please send your suggestions to wildfootgames@gmail.com. 此游戏将带您史诗般的旅程变成野狗的世界。现在你有机会看到他们的言行举止在野外。快来玩第二次在系列超仿真的。我们已经创建了一个庞大的开放世界游戏有许多地方探索,动物的负载,以及大量的挑战。发现鳄鱼书房,熊洞,马保护区,和蝙蝠洞。他们持有的秘密游戏。我们的目标是找到你的野狗家庭的所有4名成员。他们正在用巨大的老板关押。你的第二个任务是打败所有的巨型老板。开始狗的生存这个最终的游戏吧!茁壮成长和生存,你需要一个巨大的森林地图的所有挑战。注意:您的家庭成员会帮助你打败了大老板。使用呼叫按钮,让他们来帮助你。它是一个很酷的功能。顶部亮点:--upgrade你的狗的力量,耐力和速度你的狗家庭的所有4名成员--Find--Defeat所有4个大老板的角色 - 巨型蝙蝠,熊,马,鳄鱼和包括--10不同的森林动物--4不同一天的时间,交替的天气模式,包括雨雪--Huge打开世界地图的3D真棒图形--Survival是游戏的名字这种动物模拟器的设计与各年龄段的初衷。来像我们在Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/wildfootgames请看看我们其他的3D模拟游戏动物的认识 - 我们的应用程序是不完美的,我们欢迎您的建设性的批评。在野生脚,我们正在寻找的东西,我们可以做,以改善应用程序。请将您的建议wildfootgames@gmail.com。


开发商: Wild Foot Games
版本号: 1.0催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-03-05
语言: 英文



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