Game of Survival - Single Demo
Do what you want with many other survivor players in Online mode. Explore radiation island occupied by zombies. Find weapons, drinks, woods, metals, redstone, cloth for bandages etc.. You’ll hunt zombie from single player mode to online survivor Multiplayer server to play with others!Begin your action radiation survival game on the island with random survivor or friends online in Multiplayer mode.Try to survive on the unturned world! Find different resources, use your woods, metals and redstones for craft new items and build your what you want to survive! Watch out zombies, demons and other players to save your health and make sure you eat enough food. Make a fire to help you survive. there is also lots of new aspects of survival that make this a realistic fun online multiplayer survival gameFeatures:* Craft your collected items and use them to your advantage* Brilliant graphics and stimulating sound will always keep you energized,* You will get back up of heaps of supportive items: ignite your prospect of action survival,* Comfortable visual effect: the game is set against a vibrant theme, which will keep you enticed on your screen,* You can play the action zombie survival game either in multiplayer mode or in single player mode: enjoy the tale of survival game with its awesome dynamics.* Enjoy smooth control and be the pro against zombie attack: save the unturned world and set the law of survival for the fittest.* Track your foes: with special sensor check the action movement of the zombies and demons around! Hunt them before these demons kill you.* There is facility of accessing huge area map to understand the war ground: available both for single play game and multiplayer game.* You will get scope to check your food, drink at stock! you will be able to check your life,* After each session you will be able to check your score including how many zombies you have killed and how many times you were killed by zombie attack!* A lot of weapon( colt, sniper, m79, h1z1, axe, mace)* Crafting & Inventory System* Tons of item for survival craft Download this pocket survival game online on your android device and play with world! You will surely have a wonderful time now on your android device in hunting zombies! This game can be played on mobile and tablet. You will require hi speed internet to play well this Game of Survival in multiplayer mode. 做你想要与许多其他幸存者玩家在联机模式。探索被僵尸占据辐射的岛屿。找到武器,饮料,木材,金属,红石,布绷带等。你会从追捕单人游戏模式,在线多人幸存者僵尸服务器与他人玩!在多人模式网上开始你的行动辐射的生存游戏随机幸存者或朋友在岛上。尝试在千方百计世界生存!发现不同的资源,用你的木材,金属和redstones的工艺新项目和建立你想要生存下去的!当心僵尸,恶魔和其他球员,以节省您的健康,并确保你吃足够的食物。生火来帮助你生存。也有许多生存的新方面,使这个现实的有趣的在线多人生存游戏产品特点:*您精心打造收集项目,并利用它们来你的优势*辉煌的图形和声音刺激会一直让你精力充沛,*您将得到备份支持项目的堆:点燃你的行动的生存前景,*舒适的视觉效果:游戏设置对一个充满活力的主题,这将让你吸引你的屏幕上,*你可以玩的动作僵尸生存游戏无论是在多人模式还是单人游戏模式:享受生存游戏的故事与它的真棒动态。*享受流畅的控制,并亲抵御僵尸的进攻:拯救世界竭尽所能,并设置生存的法则的优胜劣汰。*跟踪你的敌人:用专用传感器检查周围的僵尸和恶魔的动作的运动!追捕他们之前这些恶魔杀了你。*有巨大的访问区域地图,了解战争的地面设施:单玩游戏和多人游戏都可用。*您将得到范围检查你的食物,喝的股票!你将能够检查你的生活,*每次会议结束后,你将能够检查你的分数,包括有多少僵尸你杀了多少次,你通过僵尸袭击中丧生!*很多武器(小马,狙击手,M79,h1z1,斧,狼牙棒)*手工艺与库存系统*项目的救生艇筏吨网上下载的口袋里生存游戏在Android设备上,并与世界玩!你一定会拥有一个美好的时光,现在在Android设备上的狩猎僵尸!这个游戏可以发挥在移动和平板电脑。你将需要高速互联网玩好这个游戏生存的多人游戏模式。


开发商: Mert Corekci
版本号: 3.3催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-02-28
语言: 英文



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