Tank Battle 3D: Desert Titans
Tank Battle 3D is the world tank war you've been waiting for! You have to complete the missions to win this war in a desert tank world,STORYIn the second world war in desert and your country needs you to defeat all enemies. It's up to you to claim a victory over the enemies to your country.MISSIONYour mission is to destroy all enemy's tanks you'll find in the desert. Complete all the missions, and you will become a Titan Desert.You can use the cannon or machine gun from your tank to destroy the enemy tank.Are you ready for action?Will you be the next hero of war? Or will you die trying?CONTENT:-8 Different Tanks* The Centurion * Type 58* Panther III * T-84 * The Monarch * M50 Patton * 31 Bandit * The Avenger *** Choose the right tank for each mission, and you will become a HERO ***** Unlock every tank by completing missions **-10 Missions with different objectives and enemies* Destroy enemies tank* Defend the base* Resist until reinforcements arrive* Etc...-Many Different enemies to defeat* Tank* Jeep* Plane* Enemy's General-Choose the action's point of view you like the most to attack* 1st Person View (You can use either machine gun or cannon in the tank)* 3rd Person View (only cannon can be used but the shot is more accurate)(inside tank view)Become a national hero in the DESERT TITANS war. Helping your country and honoring their flag by winning this WORLD WAR. 坦克战3D是你一直在等待世界坦克战争!你必须完成的任务在沙漠坦克世界赢得这场战争,故事在沙漠中的第二次世界战争和你的国家需要你战胜一切敌人。权利要求着敌人的一场胜利来贵国这取决于你。任务你的任务是摧毁一切敌人的坦克,你会在沙漠中找到。完成所有的任务,你将成为一个泰坦沙漠。您可以使用火炮或机枪从你的坦克摧毁敌人的坦克。你准备好采取行动?你会是战​​争的下一个英雄?或者你会死尝试?内容:-8不同的坦克*百夫长* 58型*豹III* T-84*君主* M50巴顿* 31山贼* 复仇者***选择每个任务正确的坦克,你会成为英雄*****通过完成任务解锁每罐**-10飞行任务,不同的目标和敌人*摧毁敌人坦克*保卫基地*抵制,直至到达增援*等等... - 许多不同的敌人打败*坦克*吉普*平面*敌人的将军 - 选择的角度采取行动的时候,你最喜欢的攻击*第一人称视图(您可以使用坦克或者机枪大炮或)*第三人称视角(仅炮可以使用,但出手更准确)(箱视图中)成为沙漠中的战争TITANS民族英雄。帮助你的国家,并赢得这个世界战争纪念他们的国旗。


版本号: 1.9.6催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-02-28
语言: 英文



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