Welcome to the #1 FPS Experience for mobiles and tablets!Let’s go ! Prepare yourself with deadly sniper rifles, assault rifles, machine guns and state-of-the-art military gears to join the dire battlefield to save the world.THE BATTLE IS NOT FOR WEAKLINGS ! OVER 300 MISSIONS AWAIT.Be a brave soldier on the battlefield, strikes back the huge creatures in the sky, mutated spiders emerge from the ground or the deadly machines can destroy everything in the combat zone.Or you can become a silent killer moving through darkness, finding the best vantage points and take the all-important Kill Shot !Maybe you are the frontline commando or the professional sniper who can carry out impossible missions ? Whoever you are, hear the call of duty in your heart from battlefieldVARIOUS ENEMY SYSTEMIn STRIKE BACK you must face: - Assault: Basic enemy, use assault rifle.- Machine: heavy-armed enemy, can throw Grenade and has more HP.- Sniper: armed with sniper rifles, this enemy attacks from far away and high above, along with RPG skill, they are real kill shot.- Healer: utilizes shotgun for melee attack, also uses HP-healing skill for themselves and their partners.- Drone: flying robot, they can freely attack you from above, with super fast machine guns. - Canon: Automatic machine-gun robots.- Crab: deadly bomb-carrying creature, prone to destroying themselves and enemies with self-destruct attack.You will fight many bosses in the war zone. They all make a crisis invasion. Your duty is braveBUILD ALLIANCE, AN ELITE FORCEAfter accomplishing missions, you will rescue, recruit partners to the team and cooperate with them in future missions. Each squad member has specific position and skill, and they are your effective sidekicks at each battleground against this crisis invasion.- Soldier Hank: a commando, specializes in assault rifles and an expert in grenade (grenade-throwing skill).- Soldier Jimmy: a commando, uses machine guns, also an expert in healing ( Skill : Heal HP for all team members) - Soldier Lena: a commando, use sniper rifle, an expert in RPG, our kill shot (a powerful skill, able to attack ground and air targets)Build powerful alliance, an elite force, Compete for high scores on your own or with Alliance against opposing Alliances in the modern combat, Your duty is believed to go to the war zoneCOMMAND AN ARSENAL OF DEADLY WEAPON WITH MODERN AND DESTRUCTIVE FIREPOWERSThe specific weapon of the army for modern combatIn STRIKE BACK you can equip weapons and support items: - Take to the frontline with Sniper rifles, assault rifles, machine guns and secret weapons for kill shot, just for elite force.- Support items like grenades, RPG, medkit- Besides, if you are an expert in assassination, equip a Ghost Gun, a weapon that causes fear in every battlefield- If you like to break out the dead of frontline, here comes the machine gun , a weapon of choice in the frontline.Arm yourself with the best weapon to fight against this crisis invasion, Your duty is ready.GAME STORYThe government has made a big mistake when they desired to raise the combat capability of the army. They strengthened their soldiers by newly discovered creature from Mars. Things got out of hand at restricted area 47 when this creature had seized control of the strengthened army. That become a real crisis invasion. Let’s join Jones to combat the enemy, doing the impossible missions to stem the tide.Take the fight to the battlefield and save the world with Strike Back: Elite Force!Got any questions? Contact us at http://rescue.brayang.com/ 欢迎您到#1 FPS体验为手机和平板电脑!我们走吧 !准备自己致命的狙击步枪,冲锋枪,机枪和国家的最先进的军事齿轮加入可怕战场拯救世界。战斗不是弱者! OVER 300任务游览车。在战场上勇敢的战士,反击在天空中巨大的生物,变异蜘蛛从地面冒出或致命的机器可以摧毁在战区的一切。或者,你也可以成为一个沉默的杀手在黑暗中移动,寻找最佳的观赏点,并采取所有重要的杀戮射击!也许你是前线突击队或专业狙击手谁可以执行任务是不可能的?不管你是谁,听到的职责要求在您的心脏从战场VARIOUS ENEMY系统在反击你必须面对: - 突击:基本的敌人,使用突击步枪。 - 机:重型武装的敌人,可以扔手榴弹,并有更多的HP。 - 狙击手:狙击步枪,从很远的路程,高高在上,与RPG技能沿着这个敌人的攻击,他们是真正的杀出手。 - 小灵:利用鸟枪换近战攻击,还采用了HP-治疗技能为自己和他们的合作伙伴。 - 无人机:飞行机器人,它们可以自由地从上方攻击你,超快速的机枪。 - 佳能:自动机枪的机器人。 - 螃蟹:致命的炸弹携带的动物,容易产生自毁攻击摧毁自己和敌人。您将在战区作战不少老板。他们都做出危机侵袭。你的职责就是勇敢BUILD联盟,组建一支精锐完成任务后,你会救,招募合作伙伴的团队,在未来使命与他们合作。每个小队成员都有特定的位置和技能,他们是你在对抗这场危机侵袭每个战场有效的插袋。 - 士兵汉克:突击队,专门突击步枪和手榴弹中的专家(手榴弹投掷技能)。 - 士兵吉米:突击队,使用机枪,也是治疗专家(技能:治愈惠普所有团队成员) - 士兵莉娜:突击队,使用狙击步枪,RPG中的专家,我们的出手杀死(一个强大的技能,能够攻击地面和空中目标)建立强大的联盟,一支精锐部队,争夺对自己或与联盟高分反对在现代作战反对联盟,你的职责就是相信要到战区COMMAND阿森纳现代与破坏性FIREPOWERS致命武器军队的具体武器的现代作战在反击你可以装备武器和支持的项目: - 以用狙击步枪,冲锋枪,机枪和秘密武器杀出手一线,只为精英部队。 - 支持项目,如手榴弹,RPG,医疗包 - 此外,如果您是在暗杀的专家,装备一个鬼枪,导致恐惧在每一个战场上的武器 - 如果你喜欢打出来一线的死,来了机枪,选择在一线的武器。武装自己最好的武器对抗这场危机的入侵打,你的职责是准备好了。游戏剧情当他们希望提高军队的作战能力的政府已经犯了大错。他们从火星新发现的生物强化他们的士兵。事情一发不可收拾,在禁区47时,这种生物就抓住了加强军队的控制。这成为一个真正的危机侵袭。让我们携手琼斯打击敌人,做不可能的任务,以扭转局面。采取的斗争战场,拯救世界与反击:精英部队!有什么问题吗?联系我们在http://rescue.brayang.com/


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开发商: Brayang Studio
版本号: 3.5催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2024-07-28
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 7.0及更高
网络: 不需要



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