Hunter: Animals In The Forest
You are on hunting in the forest, which is home for many forest animals.In order to shoot more animals, with each passing level you provided with a new weapon. 15 high powered weapons of different types are available: pistol, grenade, machine guns, sniper rifles, submachine guns, light machine guns, carbine, shotguns, flamethrower, grenade launchers, rocket launcher (bazooka). Having a choice of weapons arsenal, your chances of survival increase.You are a hunter or prey in this exciting game? Play and you will find out.Your mission is to destroy a certain amount of forest animals at every level. If you will manage to shoot down the animal thanks to your hunting skills, then for each completed level you will get more powerful gun in your arsenal.Many animals are available: bear, wolf, deer, buffalo, rabbit, boar.Fire and reload your weapon. Do not stand still, move, at this time the damage done to you by animals will gradually recover. If you need to take rest after active hunting, make a pause using pause mode, where you will be completely invisible.Discover the beautiful location of a wild nature, inhabited by the forest animals, hunt and gather your weapons, and try to pass all levels.In this hunter game there are 15 levels with increasing difficulty. 15 weapons with increasing power to expand your arsenal. Different forest animals, some of them will attack the enemy, which is located on their territory.Realistic 3D graphics and amazing immersive gameplay are providing a visceral, dramatic experience and are helping you to travel to the land of the woods of your dream, right on the screen of your mobile device, including your phone and tablet!During the game, you will enjoy the realistic graphics of the natural environment, which has a variety of vegetation, excellent blue sky with volumetric clouds, and passing through the bushes you will hear the rustling of the branches and fully immerse into the atmosphere of hunting in the forest."Hunter: Animals In The Forest" is a high-quality entertainment game for everyday use, and a free mobile 3D action first person shooter (fps) and the simulator (sim) in high-definition (HD) quality.CHARACTER CONTROLSLeft side of the screen controls movement, right side of the screen controls rotation. 你在狩猎的森林,这是家庭对很多森林动物。为了拍摄更多的动物,每过一级您提供了一个新的武器。可供不同类型的15个高强力武器:手枪,手榴弹,机枪,狙击步枪,冲锋枪,轻机枪,卡宾枪,猎枪,火焰喷射器,榴弹发射器,火箭筒(火箭筒)。为武器库,你的生存几率增加一个选择。你在这个令人兴奋的游戏猎人或猎物?播放,你会找到答案。你的任务是消灭一定量的森林动物在各个层面。如果您将设法击落动物感谢你的狩猎技能,然后针对每完成水平,你将获得更强大的枪在你的军火库。许多动物可供选择:熊,狼,鹿,水牛,兔子,野猪。消防和重新加载你的武器。不要站在原地,移动,此时动物做你的伤害会逐渐恢复。如果你需要积极狩猎后休息,使用暂停模式,在这里您将完全看不见做出一个暂停。发现一个野性的美丽的地段,森林里的动物,狩猎居住和收集你的武器,并尝试通过所有的水平。在这个猎人游戏中有15水平与难度加大。 15武器随着权力扩大你的武器库。不同的森林动物,其中一些将攻击敌人,这是位于其领土。逼真的3D图形和令人印象游戏都提供了内脏,戏剧性的经历和正在帮助你前往你的梦想树林的土地,就在您的移动设备,包括手机和平板电脑的屏幕上!在游戏中,您将享受自然的环境,有多种植被,优异的蓝天体积云的真实感图形,并通过灌木丛,你会听到树枝的沙沙声,完全沉浸到狩猎的气氛在树林里。“猎人:动物的森林”是一个高品质的娱乐游戏的日常使用,以及一个免费的移动3D动作第一人称射击游戏(FPS)和高清晰度(HD)质量模拟器(SIM)。角色控制屏幕控制运动左侧,屏幕右侧的控制旋转。


开发商: Sergey Laytful
版本号: 1.4.2催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-08-01
语言: 英文



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