Beast Simulator 3D
Out from the shadows comes your worst nightmare - the Beast! Only this time, you are in control. This creature is looking for revenge. He's been the one hunted for too long, now its time for him to do some hunting of his own. You are in control of this super fast and agile animal. For each 1000 Points you earn, he will grow to a bigger size. This beast is super strong, and nothing will stand in his way. He will smash cars, goats, planes, tractors, fire hydrants, people, zombies,women,wheels, quad bikes, and anything else he chooses. He loves smashing cars - especially sports cars and rally cars. He's looking to rampage anything and everything in his way. Help this creature grow from a little guy in Level 1 to a Giant in Level 30. Race around off the road or on the highway missions. Find the Airport and smash all the airplanes. Explore some pyramids in the special Egyptian Sahara level. Two of the maps have zombies to attack. We hope this is soon to be the best free animal game on the store.This game combines elements of rampage style games with adventure games. 72 missions to complete for hours of entertainment. Awesome 3D effects like rain, fire, and snow.Features:--72 Action Packed Missions--6 Large Maps including 2 Zombie Maps--Spiders, Scorpions,and Giant Ants to smash--Combines rampage with adventure--Excellent 3D graphics and fast game play--The more you play, the more he grows--The sim that has it all and more!If you ever wondered what it would be like to play a free Beast Simulator, this is your chance. This guy is ready to rampage the city or country farm. Please Note: Level 30 is the biggest he will get - -and by Level 30 he will be so big, it will be big enough. He goes up by 1 Level each 1000 points that is scored. This app works best on newer devices. If you say it does not work, you are saying you have a pretty bad smartphone. If you enjoy playing a Shark, Snake, Crocodile,, Wolf, Tiger, Elephant, Dinosaur, or Horse Simulator, you are probably going to love playing the Beast Simulator. Connect with us @jellyfishgiant 从暗处来到你的噩梦 - 野兽!只有这个时候,你是在控制。此生物寻仇。他一直一个猎杀太久,现在是时候为他做了他自己的一些狩猎。你在这个超快速和敏捷的动物的控制权。对于每千点,你赚的,他会成长为一个更大的尺寸。此兽是超级强,什么都不会站在他的方式。他将粉碎的汽车,山羊,飞机,拖拉机,消防栓,人,僵尸,女性,轮毂,四轮摩托车,以及其它任何他选择。他喜欢砸汽车 - 特别是跑车和拉力赛车。他希望横冲直撞任何东西,一切都在他的去路。有助于从一个小人物在1级这种生物成长为一个巨人在30级左右比赛小康的道路或高速公路上的任务。找到机场,粉碎所有的飞机。探索在特殊的埃及撒哈拉沙漠水平一定的金字塔。两个地图都有僵尸的攻击。我们希望这是即将在店里最好的免费游戏的动物。该游戏结合了横冲直撞风格的游戏与冒险游戏的元素。 72任务来完成几个小时的娱乐。真棒3D效果如雨,火,雪。产品特点:--72动作包装的任务--6大地图,包括2僵尸地图--Spiders,蝎子和巨蚁粉碎--Combines横冲直撞与冒险--Excellent 3D图形和快速的游戏--The你越玩越他长大--The SIM卡拥有这一切和更多!如果你想知道它会像玩免费的野兽模拟器,这是你的机会。这家伙是准备横冲直撞的城市或国家的农场。请注意:等级30是最大的,他将获得 - - 和由30级,他会这么大,这将是足够大。他1级各1000点被拿下去了。这个应用程序适用于较新的设备最好的。如果你说这是行不通的,你说你有一个非常糟糕的智能手机。如果你喜欢玩鲨鱼,蛇,鳄鱼,,狼,老虎,大象,恐龙,还是马模拟器,你可能会喜欢打野兽模拟器。连接与我们@jellyfishgiant


开发商: Jellyfish Giant
版本号: 1.0催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-03-10
语言: 英文



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