African Survival Simulator 3D
To save your game progress tap «save» button in the pause menuBe ready for great survival adventure exploring Africa with this 3D simulator! Be a blocky survivor and dive into the wilderness spending time on the island made of pixels and cubes. Fight for your life against predators, hunt animals, quarry resources to build shelters and craft weapons and survival tools playing African Survival Simulator 3D! Make this wild African safari your home and have fun! Thrive in this hostile environment to stay alive!What is it like to spend time on lost desert island inhabited by wild animals and aggressive predators? Get to know playing African Survival Simulator 3D! Explore unusual pixel reality and prove your worth as a real survival – learn to hunt, fish, plant, craft and build. It’s vital for you, I bet! Complete different missions, find or craft weapons and tools, level up your skills and feel the extreme living on the edge with this island survival simulator in 3D! Use all your battling and survival skills to stay alive, salvage tools and weapons to unravel the secrets of this damn hot place! Hunt for wild animal and find fresh water to increase your idicators, but be careful! Wild cube predators may hunt you instead! Hunt or be hunted and battle for your life trying get off this strange survival island! Dive into the atmosphere of desert wild Africa - swim the ocean, walk around and enjoying amazing crafty landscapes! Stay alive at all costs playing African Survival Simulator 3D!Be ready to meet pixel rhinos, cube crocodiles, blocky lions and African elephants ready to attack! Fight for your life, face dangers, but don’t forget to mind survivor’s indicators - health, energy and hunger. Never let it drops – stay alive and try to escape this hot wild place! There are a lot of things that might be useful on this survival island – look for resources, hidden weapons and survival tools – it might be very helpful for you! Use survival tools such as cube axe or blocky fish rod to find food and craft a shovel to dig faster! Hunt, start fishing or looking for plant food to find a meal for your blocky man to survive! Find treasures, cube weapons and special tools exploring this mysterious blocky lost island with African Survival Simulator 3D game!Attack first or die instead… This lost survival island is flooded by wild animals and predators, so keep your weapons alert! Control pixel man with joystick, explore cube island, hunt, fish and search for food! However, be careful! Picturesque woods and ocean might be full of predators ready to attack you! Find weapons to protect yourself from wild island’s predators or even battle against them! Use your exploration, battling and survival skills to stay alive at all cost with African Survival Simulator 3D! Are you ready for great African adventure? Get survival skills that would help you to stay alive with lost island survival simulator! It’s not easy to survive in tropical environments as it seems!African Survival Simulator 3D features:- Explore wild desert Africa – spend time on lost survival island made of pixels and blocks- Mind survivor’s indicators – build shelters to hide from tropical sun, find fresh water and provide yourself with food- Find weapons, quarry resources and craft useful tools – cube guns, pixel roads, blocky axes and other- Use your exploration, battling and survival skills to stay alive- Amazing survival simulator in 3DTest your skills playing African Survival Simulator 3D game! Learn to battle against predators, hunt, fish and to evade safari animal’s attacks. Dive into the wilderness being a real survivor to make unusual craft island your home! Hide in jungles, fight for your life and thrive in this hostile environment playing African Survival Simulator 3D! Explore island of pixels and cube enjoy being a part of the wildlife!More pixel games, features and fun on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Pixel-Island-149395085435266/ 要保存你的游戏进度自来水«保存»在暂停菜单按钮准备好为伟大的冒险生存探索非洲这个3D模拟器!做一个块状的幸存者和潜水到旷野花时间所做的像素和立方体岛。争取你的生活中对天敌,捕猎动物,石矿资源建立庇护所和工艺的武器和工具的生存打非洲生存模拟器3D!使这个野生非洲野生动物园您的家庭带来的无限乐趣!茁壮成长在这种恶劣的环境活下去!它是什么喜欢花时间对野生动物和积极的掠食者失去了居住的荒岛?结识打非洲生存模拟器3D!探索不寻常的像素现实,证明你的价值作为一个真正的生存 - 学会打猎,捕鱼,厂房,工艺和建设。这对你非常重要的,我敢打赌!完成不同的任务,查找或工艺的武器和工具,提升技能和感觉与在3D这个岛上生存模拟器边缘极致生活!使用所有的作战和生存技能,以维持生命,打捞工具和武器解开这个该死热的地方的秘密!猎杀野生动物,发现清水,以增加你的idicators,但要小心!野生食肉动物魔方追捕可以代替你!亨特还是被追杀战,并为您的生活想下车这个陌生的生存岛!潜入沙漠野生非洲的气氛 - 畅游大海,四处走走,享受惊人的狡猾的风景!留在非洲玩模拟器的生存3D一切代价活着!要准备好迎接像素犀牛,鳄鱼立方,块状狮子,非洲象准备攻击!争取你的生活,面对危险,但不要忘了记幸存者的指标 - 健康,能源和饥饿。不要让降至 - 活着,并试图逃离这个炎热的蛮荒之地!有很多事情,可能是在这个岛上生存有用 - 找资源,隐藏的武器和生存的工具 - 这可能是对你非常有帮助!使用生存工具,如立方体斧头或块状鱼棒寻找食品和工艺品铲挖得更快!亨特,开始钓鱼或寻找植物性食物,以找到适合您的块状男人生存了一顿!寻找宝藏,立方体的武器和专用工具探索这个神秘的块状失落之岛与非洲生存模拟器的3D游戏!第一次攻击或替代死去......这失去了生存岛的野生动物和食肉动物淹没,所以保持你的武器警惕!控制像素的男人操纵杆,探索立方体岛,打猎,捕鱼和寻找食物!但是,要小心!风景如画的森林和海洋可能充满大鳄随时准备攻击你的!找到的武器来保护自己免受野岛的天敌,甚至对他们的战斗!用你的探索,奋力拼杀和生存技能在非洲生存模拟器3D一切代价留下来活着!你准备好了伟大的非洲冒险吗?获取生存技能,这将有助于你留下活着的失落之岛生存的模拟器!这并不容易在热带环境中生存下去,因为它似乎!非洲生存模拟器3D功能: - 探索野生沙漠非洲 - 花时间做像素和块失去生存岛 - 心灵幸存者的指标 - 建立庇护所,从热带的太阳躲起来,发现淡水和自己提供食物 - 寻找武器,石矿资源和工艺有用的工具 - 魔方枪,像素道路,块状轴及其他 - 用你的探索,奋力拼杀和生存技能活路 - 惊人的生存模拟器3D测试你的技巧演奏非洲生存模拟器的3D游戏!学会抗击捕食者,打猎,捕鱼和逃避野生动物园动物的攻击。潜入荒野成为一个真正的幸存者,以不寻常的工艺岛上你的家!躲在丛林,争取你的生活,在这种恶劣的环境中播放非洲生存模拟器3D茁壮成长!探索像素岛和立方体享受成为野生动物的一部分!更多的像素游戏,功能和乐趣在Facebook上 - https://www.facebook.com/Pixel-Island-149395085435266/


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开发商: Pixel Island
版本号: 1.3.0催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-10-15
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 4.3及更高



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