Quadcopter FX Simulator
A Quadcopter / Multirotor RC Drone simulator with First Person View (FPV), HUD, Return Home, Course Lock, Home Lock, Camera Gimbal, Acro mode, Acro 3D mode and more..Now Google Cardboard VR is also supported for immersive flying and FPV experience.Support for ControllersPlease note that this a simulator and Not a game. It is designed for RC enthusiasts to practice Flying skills. Basic Tutorial for beginner is in the above description video.Minimum Screen resolution required is 800 x 480 px. Minimum Recommended RAM is 1 GB. We are open to suggestions and problems. You can always email us at our support email.Features:1) Based on real physics Model of Quadcopter2) Interactive selection of different cameras modes: * Eye level Camera * First Person View Camera * Stabilized Gimbal Camera * Follow Camera You can walk around while flying, looking at the quad either by dragging the middle of screen or by enabling accelerometer button on the left side in the Eye level Camera Mode..3) Return to Location (RTL) When on the Quad will automatically Return and Land back in its Landing Position. It will Automatically switch on when the Quad goes out of range.4) Position HoldWhen ON the Quad will try to Hold its position when both control sticks are released.5) Course Lock When ON the Forward, Backward, Left and Right will remain same regardless of orientation of Quad. e.g. Moving Right stick Forward will always make the Quad go forward in East Direction even if its pointing towards north.6) Home Lock When ON the Forward will always be Away from you and Backwards will always be towards you regardless of Quads Orientation.7) Heads up Display(HUD) Displaying real-time Pitch, Roll, Heading, Altitude and Speed.8) Adjustable Control sensitivity Settings9) Auto Stabilizing adjustable10) Altitude Hold Switch If ON the quad will try to maintain the altitude when it was switched on. 11) Advanced Settings If enabled users can change the Total Weight, Static / Dynamic thrust, PID setting and Aerodynamic Drag values.12) Multiple Quad / Scene Selection / Some basic Challenges for Time Pass..13) Multiple mode Input Support.Now it supports mode1, mode2. mode3, mode4 and accelerometers. You can change via settings page14) Camera rotation in FPV and Gimbal camera.Click and Drag from center of screen on FPV or Gimbal camera. Double click in center to reset. 15) Dynamic WindWind effect will reduce when behind the building.16) Google cardboard Support for immersive virtual reality and FPV experience.Make sure that you have a controller attached to the device because the only way you can control the quadcopter is by controller once the Cardboard VR is enabled. After enabling you have to gaze at the buttons on the UI and press the trigger button on the cardboard to click it. Once you are flying then pressing the trigger anywhere will open the settings page. You can also touch on screen anywhere to execute trigger event instead of pressing the trigger button.17) Max Tilt Angle / Auto Stabilize Sensitivity SliderIn Normal Mode the slider changes the Maximum Tilt angle setting. This settings determines the maximum roll / pitch angle the quadcopter will tilt. In Sports Mode it changes the Auto Stabilize sensitivity. The higher the settings the more force is applied to stabilize the quadcopter.18) Acro / Acro 3d mode for expert flyingAuto stabilize will not be applied in these modes. You need to be expert to fly in this mode.In 3D Mode is mode in which the Quadcopter can fly upside down also. The throttle sticks will produce reverse thrust when moved down from the center position. Enjoy Flying..Credits: Some Arteria content is in use. 一个四轴飞行器/ RC多转子雄蜂模拟器第一人称视角(FPV),HUD,返回首页,当然锁定,主页锁定,相机万向节,艾可模式,艾可3D模式以及更多......现在,谷歌纸板VR也支持身临其境的飞行和FPV经验。支持控制器请注意,这是一个模拟器,而不是一个游戏。它是专为RC爱好者练习飞行技巧。基础教程初学者是在以上描述的视频。所需的最低屏幕分辨率为800×480像素。最低推荐RAM为1 GB。我们是开放的建议和问题。您可以随时发送电子邮件至我们的支持电子邮件。产品特点:1)基于四轴飞行器的真实的物理模型2)交互选择不同的相机模式:   *眼级相机   *第一人称视摄像头   *万向稳定相机   *根据相机     你可以走动飞行时,看着四通过拖动屏幕的中间,也可以使左侧的眼睛水平相机模式按钮加速度计..3)返回到位置(RTL)当在四会自动返回和土地早在其着陆位置。这将在四超出范围的自动切换。4)位置保持当在四会尝试当两个控制枝被释放到保持其位置。5)课程锁当上了前进,后退,左和右将不分四的取向保持不变。例如移动右摇杆向前总会让四前进的东向,即使其指向北方。6)主页锁定 当在前进总是会远离你和向后将永远向你不管四边形定位。7)抬头显示器(HUD)    显示实时俯仰,滚转航向,高度和速度。8)可调节控制灵敏度设置9)自动调节稳定10)高度锁定开关   如果为ON四会尽量保持高度,当它被接通。11)高级设置   如果启用,用户可以更改的总重量,静态/动态推力,PID设置和空气阻力值。12)多四/场景选择/一些基本的挑战时通..13)多模式输入支持。现在,它支持模式1,模式2。模式3,模式4和加速度计。您可以通过设置页面更改14)摄像头旋转FPV和万向摄像头。点击和屏幕上的FPV或万向摄像头中心拖动。双击在中心复位。15)动态风风的影响将建筑物后面时减少。16)谷歌纸板支持沉浸式虚拟现实和FPV经验。请确保您有连接到该设备的控制器,因为您可以控制​​四轴飞行器的唯一方法是通过控制器一旦纸板VR被启用。启用后,必须在凝视UI上的按钮,然后按在纸板上的触发按钮点击它。一旦你飞再按下扳机随时随地将打开设置页面。您也可以通过触摸屏幕上的任何位置执行按压触发按钮的触发事件来代替。17)最大倾角/自动稳定灵敏度滑块在正常模式下的滑块改变最大倾斜角度设置。此设置决定了最大侧倾/俯仰角四轴飞行器会翘起。在运动模​​式下它改变了自动稳定灵敏度。越高设置更多的力施加到稳定的四轴飞行器。18)艾可/艾可的3D模式,飞行专家自动稳定不会在这些模式被应用。你需要专家来此mode.In 3D模式是飞行模式,其中四轴飞行器能飞倒挂也。当从中心位置向下移动油门棒会产生反向推力。享受飞..积分:有些内容动脉正在使用中。


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版本号: 1.75催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-04-15
语言: 英文
网络: 不需要



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