Garden Decoration
You really need to try this revolutionary game where you’ll have to multitask and also develop new abilities or maybe discover hidden talents. For sure this is a complex game that imply making a gardenscape; you need a lot of devotion and patience to go through the whole process, but take your time because it’ll totally worth it in the end. There are 11 major tasks for you and in each challenge, but on the way you’ll need to accomplish much more if you want to get the job done. Well, begin to work on the backyard because it’s all a mess: trash and leaves on the ground, uncut bush, dirty lane, missing flowers, spiderweb all around. Take initiative and handle each one using the properly tool, then decorate the place to be unrecognizable. You got to be a farmer too because you’ll have to use your gardening abilities to raise a real and productive garden, one with flowers and the other with vegetables. After all this work our girl need to bath, follow the procedure and then put her clothing on the washing machine to get cleaned out. Now find a way to create a different look when you dress up her. The flower shop also need your help with the required tasks from there, making ordered bouquets for your clients. Take care of that cute dog and repair his lovely home, redecorate if you consider it’s necessary. Once you are done the bubble game is the only one that left, but that should just relax your mind while you attach same bubble flowers to pop them. Live this energize expedience while you try to check and finish the needed steps. Take each task serious and make from this gardenscape game your own paradise.You might want to look at these cool features this game offers:- Multitasking and new responsibilities to try- Take care of a cute farmer girl and design her a suitable outfit- Design the backyard, the farm and the house of the dog- Take a bath to the puppy and nurse him appropriate- Embrace many jobs and gain experience in any of them 你真的需要尝试这种革命性的游戏,你将不得不多任务,并开发新的技能或者发现隐藏的人才。可以肯定,这是一个复杂的游戏,意味着制作园林景观;你需要大量的投入和耐心去在整个过程中,但把你的时间,因为它会完全值得它到底。有你和每个挑战11个主要任务,但在途中,你需要完成更多的,如果你想完成这项工作。好了,开始在后院的工作,因为它是所有一团糟:垃圾和树叶在地面上,未切割灌木,肮脏的小巷,缺少花朵,蜘蛛网各地。采取主动,并使用正确的工具处理每一个,那么装饰的地方是面目全非。你必须是一个农民太,因为你必须使用你的园艺技能,以提高真正的和富有成效的花园,人们用鲜花和其他蔬菜。所有这些工作之后,我们的女孩需要洗澡,遵循的程序,然后把她的衣服放在洗衣机里得到清理。现在,找到一种方法,当你打扮她创造一个不同的外观。该花店还需要你的帮助与有需要的任务,使订购花束为您的客户。要小心,可爱的小狗和修复他的可爱的家乡,如果你认为有必要重新装修。一旦你完成的泡沫游戏是留下的只有一个,但应该只是放松你的心,而你同样的附加泡花弹出他们。当你尝试检查,并完成所需的步骤住这通电权宜之计。每次取任务严重,从这个园林景观游戏你自己的天堂做。你可能想看看这个游戏提供这些很酷的功能: - 多任务和新职责尝试 - 以一个可爱的女孩的农民和照顾她设计一个合适的衣服 - 设计后院,农场,狗的房子 - 洗澡小狗,并给他喂奶适当 - 拥抱大量的就业机会,并在其中的任何积累经验


开发商: winkypinky
版本号: 2.4.3催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2024-07-08
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 7.0及更高



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