My Petite Fashion Story
There are many people that admire a petite girl, but life isn’t all rainbows for a smaller girl. Are you ready to face the struggles and find fun solutions to make your life better?One of the problems for petite girls is finding the right fashion that looks good for them. Often, most fashions don’t flatter a petite figure and can make you feel uncomfortable in your skin. Petite style is here for you. You can create your own salon fashion to make you look amazing. After you’ve gotten your fashion game tight, it’s time for chores and then hanging out with your tall friends at the amusement park. Maybe it’s time to come up with a solution for being able to ride all of the rollercoasters with your friends. Your day is just beginning, and it’s time to embrace being a petite girl!How to Play: • Being a petite girl poses challenges that others don’t have to face • One of these being the fashion world • Create a fun fashion in the salon that makes you feel good about you • Get together with your taller friends and have a great day • Don’t let all of the challenges stop you from doing your chores and hanging at the amusement parkBeing a petite girl means always being seen as smaller and other may think you’re less able to do everything. Let them know that’s not the case starting with your petite style! Getting started today by downloading now!Check out our Facebook for MORE! https://www.facebook.com/ipromincJoin our Twitter: https://twitter.com/iPromIncDiscover more on our website: https://www.ipromgames.netLove fashion & glam shots? Come visit our Instagram here! https://instagram.com/iprominc/ 有迹象表明,佩服一个娇小的女孩很多人,但生活不是一个小女孩所有彩虹。你准备好去面对斗争,找到乐趣的解决方案,让您的生活更美好?一对身材娇小的女生的问题是找到正确的方式,看起来对他们有好处。通常情况下,大多数时装不奉承一个娇小的身材,可以让你觉得在你的皮肤不舒服。娇小的风格是在这里为你。你可以创建自己的时尚沙龙,让你看起来惊人。你已经得到了你的时尚游戏紧后,它的时间做家务,然后在游乐园挂出与你的朋友高大。也许是时候拿出能够乘坐所有的过山车与您的朋友一个解决方案。你的一天是刚刚开始,是时候拥抱是一个娇小的女孩!怎么玩: •作为一个娇小的女孩造成别人不必须面对的挑战 •这些是时尚界的一个 •创建,使沙龙一个有趣的方式,你感觉良好,你 •与你的身高朋友聚会,有一个伟大的日子 •不要让所有的挑战,阻止你做你的工作和挂在游乐园作为一个娇小的女孩表示总是被视为小和其他可能会认为你不太能够做的一切。让他们知道,这不是开始你的娇小风格的情况下!今天入门现在下载!看看我们的Facebook欲了解更多! https://www.facebook.com/iprominc加入我们的微博:https://twitter.com/iPromInc了解更多关于我们的网站:https://www.ipromgames.net热爱时尚和华丽的镜头?来这里参观我们的Instagram! https://instagram.com/iprominc/


开发商: iProm Games
版本号: 1.2催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2017-05-07
语言: 英文



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