The Royal Affairs
The Royal Affairs is an online royal court life simulation and role-playing game set in the medieval times. You will start as an aspiring lord, and experience every aspect of the middle ages royal household – sensual court romances, cloak and dagger conspiracies, cut-throat politics, and glorious decisive battle! Reign and develop your realm, and eventually become the supreme king! ★★★ GAME FEATURES ★★★ ●Meet the beauties: You will encounter beauties with different personalities, they will fall in love with you. Who shall be the leading actress in your romances? The compassionate princess, the mystical court governess, or the fire-tempered duchess? Choose your queen as you like, and give birth to your next generation. ●Establish a dynasty: Raise your heirs and setup marriages to ensure that your lineage would run long and prosper. Find them best spouses when they become adults. ●Build your retinue: Exemplar knights, fearsome warriors, loyal servants, brilliant strategists. Thy biddings, my lord? Let them be your great assistance. ●Manage your kingdom: Oversee your council, handle affairs, issue edicts, and see your kingdom flourish. Manage your indispensable resources like money, food, and soldiers for the development of the kingdom, strengthen your power to resist any enemies who dare to violate. ●Forge alliance: Work hand-in-hand with the other lords to become the exalted King of Kings. Build an unbreakable alliance with friends to fight against other competitors in the world. ●Conquer more lands: You path to throne will not be unchallenged. Test your strategy and might in PVE and PVP features. For honor, for glory, and for the kingdom, you shall lead your army to crush the enemy and achieve your great dominance! Are you the one who would step forward to embrace and defend your love? Are you the one who would risk peril and bear arms for the people? Are you the one who would rein the power of the crown? My lord, your legend begins now... - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/r2game.royal/ - Support: mobilesupport@r2games.com 皇家事务是一个在中世纪时期设置的在线皇家宫廷生活模拟和角色扮演游戏。你将从一个有抱负的领主开始,体验中世纪王室家庭的各个方面 - 感性的宫廷浪漫,斗篷和匕首的阴谋,苛刻的政治,以及光荣的决定性战斗!统治和发展你的王国,最终成为至高无上的王者! ★★★游戏特色★★★ ●认识美女: 你会遇到不同性格的美女,他们会爱上你。谁将成为你恋情中的女主角?富有同情心的公主,神秘的宫廷家庭教师,还是脾气暴躁的公爵夫人?选择你喜欢的女王,生下你的下一代。 ●建立一个王朝: 提高你的继承人和设置婚姻,以确保你的血统长期和繁荣。当他们成年后找到最好的配偶。 ●建立你的随从: 范例骑士,可怕的战士,忠诚的仆人,杰出的战略家。你的吩咐,我的主人?让他们成为你的大力帮助。 ●管理你的王国: 监督你的理事会,处理事务,发布法令,并看到你的王国蓬勃发展。管理你的不可或缺的资源,如金钱,食物和士兵,以发展王国,增强你抵抗任何敢于违反的敌人的力量。 ●锻造联盟: 与其他领主携手合作,成为尊贵的国王之王。与朋友建立牢不可破的联盟,与世界上其他竞争对手作战。 ●征服更多土地: 你走向宝座的道路不会受到挑战。测试您的策略,可能在PVE和PVP功能中。为了荣耀,为了荣耀,为了王国,你将带领你的军队粉碎敌人,实现你的伟大统治! 你是那个愿意接受并捍卫你的爱的人吗? 你是那个冒着危险并为人民携带武器的人吗? 你是那个能够控制王冠力量的人吗? 我的主人,你的传奇现在开始...... - Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/r2game.royal/ - 支持:mobilesupport@r2games.com


开发商: Reality Squared Games顶级开发商
版本号: 1.0.1催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2019-06-10
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 4.4及更高



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