Wedding Day Perfect Hair Salon
You’ve been dreaming about your wedding look for years, and you want everything to be perfect. You’ve scheduled the best hairstyle artist to come and help you to get the perfect look for your big day! It was hard getting this stylist to come and do your hair, but it’s your wedding day. It’s got to be perfect. You’ll be able to try out a large number of wedding hair designs to find the perfect one that will capture the look you’re trying to achieve. This means that it should look perfect with your dress and your bridal makeup. As a hairstyle artist, your stylist has all different types of hairstyles you can choose from. Have a blast at this wedding salon just for you. How to Play: • Your wedding preparations are in full swing • The big day has arrived, and you need a fantastic bridal hairstyle • Your stylist is going to work magic with your hair • Try out hairstyles until you find that perfect one • Make sure your hairstyle matches your bridal gown and your makeup • Walk down the aisle with a smile in you heart as you look amazing • Your groom will be awestruck with your glorious look A bridal hairstyle can make or break a bride’s look for her big day. Your stylist had better use all of her expertise to give you an awesome style. Download now to see which hairstyle you get! 你一直梦想着你的婚礼的样子好几年了,你想要的一切是完美的。您安排的最佳发型艺术家来帮助你得到你的大日子完美的外观! 这是很难得到这个造型师来,做你的头发,但它是你结婚的日子。它一定是完美的。您可以尝试大量的婚礼发型设计找到最完美的一个,将捕捉到你想要达到的样子。这意味着,它应该是完美的跟你的衣服和你的新娘妆。作为一名发型艺术家,你的发型师有各种不同类型,你可以选择发型。有在这个婚礼沙龙只为你一个爆炸。 怎么玩: •您婚礼筹备正在紧锣密鼓 •大日子已经到来,你需要一个梦幻般的新娘发型 •你的发型师是去工作魔术你的头发 •试用发型,直到找到一个完美的人 •确保你的发型你的婚纱礼服和妆容相匹配 •走下笑着过道你心脏,你看起来惊人 •你的新郎将震撼你的光荣的样子 一个新娘发型能不能造就一个新娘的样子,她的大日子。你的发型师最好使用所有她的专长,给你一个真棒风格。现在就下载,看看哪些发型你拿!


开发商: Beauty Salon
版本号: 1.1催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2019-07-19
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 4.1及更高



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