Sudoku - The Clean One
Sudoku - Pretty puzzling. A free and offline Sudoku app. Presenting you a modern and rethought Sudoku design. By removing excessive details from the screen, we managed to create a fresh and clean look for the puzzle that we all love - at the same time sustaining intuitive gameplay and customization. The user interface is minimal and fast - starting a new Sudoku or continuing right where you left off is just one click away. There are no loading screens. What is more, you do not have to worry about not finishing a Sudoku. If you are in a hurry, just hit back or leave the app in any other way and the app takes care of saving your progress seamlessly. This for all difficulty levels separately. So there you go! Choose your favorite colors and begin your smoothest and most elegant journey through endless amount of Sudoku puzzles! Oh, and hopefully you love gimmicks. Changing the colors of the UI is not only available during the solving of Sudoku - you can do it literally from anywhere within the app! Highlighted features: - Selecting themes during gameplay - Clean look and feel More features: - Input modes: cell first and digit first - without toggling - Pencil marks (with automatic removal) - 5 difficulty levels - Top times - Works offline - Digit highlighting - Count of remaining digits - Automatic saving - Undo - Board validation - Optional aids - Edge to edge board - Satisfying animations - Switch on and off themes What to wait for: - More themes - Fix for vertically longer screens Enjoy! EULA: http://dustland.ee/sudoku/eula/ Privacy Policy: http://dustland.ee/sudoku/privacy-policy/ 数独 - 相当令人费解。一个自由和离线数独的应用程序。 向你们提供一个现代化的重新思考和设计的数独。从屏幕移除过多的细节,我们成功地创造出一个清新,干净的外观对于我们都爱的拼图 - 同时维持直观的游戏和定制。 用户界面是最小的和快速的 - 开始一个新的数独或继续就在你离开的只是一个点击即可。有没有加载屏幕。更重要的是,你不必担心没有完成一个数独。如果你是在赶时间,只打回或离开应用程序以其他任何方式和应用需要无缝地保存进度的照顾。这对于所有单独难度级别。 所以你去!选择你喜欢的颜色,并通过数独谜题的无尽的金额开始您流畅的和最优雅的旅程! 哦,希望你爱的噱头。改变UI的颜色数独的解决过程中,不仅提供 - 你可以从应用程序中的任何位置字面上做到这一点! 突出特点:      - 在游戏中选择的主题      - 清洁的外观和感觉 更多的功能:      - 输入模式:细胞的第一和第一数字 - 无需切换      - 铅笔标记(带自动去除)      - 5难度级别      - 最佳时间      - 离线使用      - 数字高亮      - 的其余数字计数      - 自动保存      - 撤消      - 董事会确认      - 可选艾滋病      - 边缘到边缘板      - 通过满足动画      - 打开和关闭的主题 什么等待:      - 更多主题      - 修正了纵长的屏幕 请享用! EULA:http://dustland.ee/sudoku/eula/ 必读:http://dustland.ee/sudoku/privacy-policy/


开发商: Dustland Design
版本号: 2.12.3催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2024-09-17
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 6.0及更高
网络: 不需要



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