Electronic Emotions! Anime Otome Virtual Boyfriend
✦Synopsis✦ You have loved working with electronics ever since you were a young girl, and finding work at an electronics manufacturing company seemed like the natural choice. However, your sales begin to fall and you worry about the stability of your career... until your boss invites you to join a new project. The project is secretive and requires you to pack up your belongings and move to a new address. You are suspicious at first but excited at the possibility of a promotion. When you open the door to the house, you are greeted by three handsome men! At first you are distracted by their impossibly good looks, but soon realize that their actions are far from normal… Your company is conducting experiments on the ability of androids to adapt to human emotions, specifically in romantic relationships. Assigned to the project and instructed to move into a new house, it is your job to live and interact with the three male androids, all while treating them as if they were your boyfriends. The androids only know how to act according to their programs and they tend to take everything a little too literally. Will you be able to teach them the subtle nuances and common sense of a human? And what happens when the tests are over…? ✦Characters✦ ♠ Kai Despite his flashy appearance and confident personality, Kai is open-minded and determined to learn new things. After a failed attempt at cooking dinner, he decides to take up cooking to make you happy. ♠ Shane Shane is good-natured and always ready to try something new. Young and naive, he becomes interested in the exciting nature of rock music and looks up to musicians. Will you help him follow his dreams? ♠ Jake In contrast to the other androids, Jake is quiet and calm. With a sturdy physique, he is athletic and picks up judo. As you get to know him, you find a new side to him that thinks about matters deeply and is careful not to hurt your feelings. ✦Synopsis✦ 自从你还是一个年轻女孩以来,你一直喜欢使用电子产品,而在一家电子制造公司找工作似乎是很自然的选择。然而,你的销售开始下降,你担心你的职业生涯的稳定性...直到你的老板邀请你加入一个新项目。该项目是秘密的,需要您收拾行李并搬到新地址。你一开始很怀疑,但对晋升的可能性感到兴奋。当你打开房子的门时,三个英俊的男人迎接你!起初你被他们不可思议的美貌所分散注意力,但很快意识到他们的行为远非正常...... 贵公司正在进行关于机器人适应人类情感的能力的实验,特别是在浪漫关系中。分配到项目并指示搬进新房子,你的工作是与三个男性机器人一起生活和互动,同时将他们视为你的男朋友。 机器人只知道如何根据他们的程序采取行动,他们倾向于采取一点点太字面意思。你能教他们微妙的细微差别和人的常识吗?当测试结束时会发生什么......? ✦Characters✦ ♠凯 尽管他的外表华丽,性格自信,但凯仍心胸开阔,决心学习新事物。在尝试烹饪晚餐失败后,他决定开始做饭让你开心。 ♠沙恩 Shane善良,随时准备尝试新事物。年轻而天真,他对摇滚音乐令人兴奋的本性感兴趣,并对音乐家有所了解。你会帮助他追寻他的梦想吗? ♠杰克 与其他机器人相比,杰克安静而平静。凭借强壮的体魄,他运动能力强,可以选择柔道。当你认识他时,你会发现一个新的一面,他会深思熟虑,并且小心不要伤害你的感受。


开发商: Genius Inc
版本号: 3.1.11催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2023-10-18
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 5.1及更高



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