Odyssey of the Ocean
Odyssey of the Ocean is a 3D-maritime adventure game based on a realistic, geographic system. In this game, the player will take on the role of a high-seas commander. Adventurers from different countries and regions will chart new courses to open up new naval routes, while also engaging in battle. ※Background Story: In AD 800, Kievan Rus’controlled the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, the Abbasid Caliphate controlled the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf and, thus, the Ottoman Empire controlled the vast majority of the Mediterranean. However, this wasn’t enough. We always want what we do not have; humans, by their very nature, are always seeking to expand their boundaries. People began to wonder, for instance, what is hidden beneath the waves: buried treasure or killer sea monsters? Everyone had been hearing that the earth was round, but there wasn’t any proof. Magellan went on a voyage across the world and changed that forever. You can change the world too. Commander, lead your troops onto the high seas. Dock in foreign ports, and plant your flag in distant lands! ※Game Characteristics: ◆The Guild battle has begun. Who will emerge victorious? Three main forces have gathered on the open seas: the Abbasid Caliphate and their brilliant civilization, Kievan Rus’, descendants of the Vikings and the powerful Ottoman Empire. The trumpets of war have sounded, and the armies are fast approaching. Who will conquer the oceans? Commander, it is time for you to show what you’ve got! ◆Real time, naval PVP battles, slaughter your enemies and become king! Plunder passing ships, gather allies to defeat the World BOSS, participate in Arena challenges, large-scale, multiplayer PVP battles, tons of combat modes to choose from, who could ask for anything more? Commander, time waits for no man. Let’s get started! ◆Hidden treasure is waiting for you! Go acquire some new wealth! We have hidden more than 100 buried treasures in the sea. These are gifts from Sea God. Maybe you’ll find Gold or Silver; maybe you’ll find a new warship….or maybe you’ll encounter a killer sea monster! It all depends on your luck! ◆Gorgeous skill effects, a smooth combat experience We have developed a unique skill set for each captain. They can advance on an enemy and attack, or fall back into a defensive position. Recruit legendary sea captains like Babarosa Hayreddin the “Redbeard” and Edward Thatch, the "Blackbeard" and fly into battle! ◆Exquisite combat vessels, equipment set bonuses We’ve designed 24 types of warships and 14 equipment sets. Let’s say you own the “Flying Dutchman” and then obtain protection from “Poseidon, the Sea God”. Well, you’ll have enough power to crush your enemies. ◆Join guilds, because there’s strength in numbers! You’ll find players from many different countries and regions. Join up with them and form guilds to pool your resources. Guilds will provide you with superior protection as well. ◆A unique home construction system will allow you to create your own safe haven. Customize your home with tons of different options. Commander, develop your home to serve as a testament to your brilliance. ◆Light up the 12 constellations to guide you on your quest. For centuries, seafarers have relied on the stars to guide them. Go to the Observatory to watch the stars. The illuminated constellations will show you the way forward, so you never get lost. ◆A precise commerce system; it’s fun to trade! We’ve set up 143 ports across the 7 seas and 4 great oceans. Each port has its own unique products, and there will be special sales and events at certain fixed intervals. Join in events to build your stash of goods! ◆Tons of events make your adventure even more exciting! There are always surprises in store on the high seas. Watch out for pirates or sudden changes in weather. Perhaps a plague will descend on your crew and start killing them off. We have pulled out all the stops to make this a realistic ocean adventure! 海洋的奥德赛是一款基于逼真的地理系统的3D海上冒险游戏。在此游戏中,玩家将扮演公海指挥官的角色。来自不同国家和地区的冒险家将策划新路线,开辟新的海军路线,同时也参与战斗。 ※背景故事:  公元800年,基辅罗斯控制了黑海和波罗的海,阿拔斯·哈里发帝国控制了红海和波斯湾,因此奥斯曼帝国控制了地中海的绝大多数地区。但是,这还不够。我们一直想要我们没有的东西。人类就其本质而言,一直在寻求扩大自己的疆界。例如,人们开始怀疑海浪下隐藏着什么:埋藏的宝藏或杀手级的海怪?每个人都听说地球是圆形的,但没有任何证据。麦哲伦(Magellan)环游世界,并永远改变了这一状况。您也可以改变世界。指挥官,率领您的部队进入公海。停靠在外国港口,并在遥远的土地上种植旗帜! ※游戏特色: ◆公会之战已经开始。谁会取得胜利? 三大主要力量聚集在公海:阿拔斯王朝哈里发(Abbasid Caliphate)及其辉煌的文明基辅·罗斯(Kiebian Rus),维京人的后裔和强大的奥斯曼帝国。战争的号角已经响起,军队正在迅速接近。谁将征服海洋?司令,是时候展示你的装备了! ◆实时进行海军PVP战斗,杀死敌人并成为国王! 掠夺过往的船只,聚集同盟以击败世界BOSS,参加竞技场挑战赛,进行大型多人PVP战斗,从众多的战斗模式中进行选择,谁还能要求更多呢?司令,时间在等着没有人。让我们开始吧! ◆藏宝正等着你!去获得一些新的财富! 我们在海中隐藏了100多个埋藏的宝藏。这些是海神的礼物。也许您会找到金或银;也许您会发现一艘新的战舰…。或者您可能会遇到一个杀手级海怪!这一切都取决于你的运气! ◆华丽的技能效果,流畅的战斗体验 我们为每位船长开发了一套独特的技能。他们可以向敌人进攻并发动进攻,也可以退回到防御阵地。招募传奇的船长,例如“红胡子”的巴巴罗莎·海瑞丁和“黑胡子”的爱德华·撒奇,展开战斗! ◆精美的战舰,装备套装加成 我们设计了24种战舰和14套装备。假设您拥有“飞行的荷兰人”,然后获得了“海神波塞冬”的保护。好吧,您将有足够的力量粉碎敌人。 ◆加入行会,因为人数众多! 您会发现来自许多不同国家和地区的玩家。加入他们并组成行会来集中您的资源。公会也会为您提供出色的保护。 ◆独特的房屋建筑系统将使您创建自己的避风港。 使用大量不同的选项自定义您的房屋。指挥官,发展您的家园,以证明您的才华。 ◆点亮12个星座,以指导您完成任务。 几个世纪以来,海员一直依靠星星来引导它们。去天文台看星星。发光的星座将为您指明前进的方向,因此您永远不会迷路。 ◆完善的商务系统;交易很有趣! 我们已经在7个海洋和4个大洋中建立了143个港口。每个港口都有自己独特的产品,并且会每隔固定的时间进行特殊的销售和活动。参加活动来建立您的藏匿商品! ◆大量的事件使您的冒险更加精彩! 公海上总是有很多惊喜。当心海盗或天气突然变化。也许瘟疫会扑灭您的船员并开始杀死他们。我们竭尽全力使这成为一次现实的海洋冒险!


版本号: 1.1.1催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2020-05-06
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 4.2及更高



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