Masters of Elements-CCG game + online arena & RPG
Master of the Elements is a new fascinating collectible card game with unique mechanics! Gather an army of monsters and take over the magic world.From the earliest times, people have been offering worship to the elements, appeasing them with offerings, and composed songs in their honor. Fire illuminates everything around, and Darkness recedes.The Earth sunk into the Void, and Water flows over it, filling all hollows and cracks. Air fills the Void above the rest of the elements.Together, they have created the world where we all exist.When the user starts playing, he receives an initial set of "base" cards.Later on, he can obtain rare and more powerful cards by purchasing card sets or receiving cards as a prize for participating in the Arena games.Card sets and entrance to the Arena may be purchased with gold which is the game’s currency. You can get gold by performing daily tasks and battling on the Arena.Features:-The collective powers of all cards in the battle deck equal your health.- Each card belongs to one of the elements: water, fire, air or earth.- Each card has a unique lovely picture, name, and power.- The power may be amplified by raising the card’s level.- The cards have several quality levels from regular to mythical. The higher a card’s level is, the greater its power and quality are. Even a hobbit or a lizard can become mythical.- You can raise your level by paying in gold but if you absorb cards of the same element, the value of the level raise decreases, often all the way down to zero. Simply click a card in the battle deck or bag and check if there is a card it can absorb.- In duels, players battle by striking blows against each other with their cards. In duels, players choose the pair of cards which they use to inflict damage to each other. The stronger the card is, the more significant the damage will be.- The elements strike blows against each other in accordance with the ancient law: water extinguishes fire, fire burns air, air blows away earth, earth covers water.- By performing daily tasks, you can gain valuable resources: silver and gold. The game offers various collections which will give you some bonuses when you put them together. The collection includes all the cards you have ever had in your bag or battle deck even if you no longer have them.Pass through trials, conquer bosses, get rewarded with good cards for each victory!Gather the most powerful card deck and become the Master of all four elements!元素大师是一款全新的迷人卡片游戏,拥有独特的机制!收集一群怪物并接管魔法世界。从最早的时候开始,人们一直在为元素提供崇拜,用祭品安抚他们,并为他们的荣誉创作歌曲。火焰照亮周围的一切,黑暗消退。地球沉入空洞,水流过它,填满所有空洞和裂缝。空气将空隙填充在其余元素之上。他们共同创造了我们所有人都存在的世界。当用户开始播放时,他收到一组初始的“基础”牌。之后,他可以通过购买卡套或接收卡作为参加竞技场比赛的奖品来获得稀有和更强大的卡。卡片组和竞技场入口可以购买黄金,这是游戏的货币。你可以通过执行日常任务和在竞技场上战斗来获得金牌。特征:- 战斗套牌中所有牌的集体力量等于你的健康状况。- 每张卡属于其中一个元素:水,火,空气或泥土。- 每张卡片都有独特的可爱图片,名称和电源。- 可以通过提高卡的电平来放大功率。- 这些卡有几个从常规到神话的质量等级。卡的级别越高,其功率和质量就越高。即使是霍比特人或蜥蜴也可以成为神话。- 您可以通过支付黄金来提高您的等级,但如果您吸收相同元素的牌,则等级提升的值会降低,通常一直降至零。只需单击战斗甲板或行李中的卡片,检查是否有可以吸收的卡片。- 在决斗中,玩家通过他们的牌击打对方进行战斗。在决斗中,玩家选择他们用来对彼此造成伤害的一对牌。卡越强,损害就越大。- 根据古代法律,元素相互冲击:水熄灭火,火灼烧空气,空气吹走土壤,土壤覆盖水。- 通过执行日常任务,您可以获得宝贵的资源:银和金。游戏提供各种系列,当你把它们组合在一起时会给你一些奖励。该系列包括你的包或战斗套牌中所有的牌,即使你不再拥有它们。通过审判,征服老板,获得每张胜利的好牌!收集最强大的卡片组,成为所有四个元素的大师!


开发商: Overmobile
版本号: 6.8.9催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2024-07-31
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 5.0及更高



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