Stories: Love and Choices
Indulge yourself in a wide variety of stories and live your dream life!You can find every type of story you can imagine—science fiction, romance, mysteries, legendary tales, and more!In each story, you get to make important choices and decide your own fate.Features:✦Create your favorite characters!✦Enjoy romantic, amazing and breathtaking experiences!✦Choose for yourself and create your own destiny!✦Experience different ways of life through unique immersive storytelling techniques!Extraordinary books in Stories:I am the Wild [SEASON 1 FINISHED]-The Night Brothers are four vampire lawyers, and you're their new assistant!-Can you help them solve a murder mystery in this fantasy world, or will their flirting distract you? Play to find out!The Sea's Lost Daughter-On a summer trip to a beach house with your friends, an accident sends you crashing into the ocean! When you wake up, you discover that you're a mermaid!-Win the heart of the enemy spy, the kind-hearted warrior who rescued you, or your best friend who's had feelings for you for years.-Can you use the power of love to overthrow the evil king and save your true home in the sea?Courting Desire- Magically transported back in time to 1667, France, you investigate the King's attempted assassination...- Thrown into court intrigue, and a steamy love triangle with a Prince and a Duke, will you ever find your way home... And will you even want to?How to Catch a Cheater- You’re a fidelity inspector, testing the loyalty of people’s partners for a living, and you’re a damn good one at that. But good might not be enough when you’re hired to test New York’s most desired bachelor, Matt Dalton, COO of Silverstein Corp.- While posing as his assistant, your job is to seduce him and get him into bed before New Year’s Eve, but when you discover Matt is an old flame of yours, things get messy.- Snuggle up on the couch with this romance-filled, winter wonderland story.Sing for Me-You’ve just arrived in NYC, ready to start your new life, when the hottest pop star in the music scene crashes into you!-Lucas Lucky is charming, flirty, and determined to make you his muse. But there’s a stalker trailing his every move, and you’re the new target.-Keep your wits about you as you navigate the glamour and perils of fame in this steamy thriller!Dear Diary- When the love of your life proposes to another woman, you’re given a chance to travel back in time and change the past!- Reliving your college days, can you steal his heart before it’s too late? Or will his best friend steal yours instead?Merlin: Love & Destiny-The daughter of a blacksmith, you discover you are the descendant of a persecuted tribe of Druids.. Will you continue living your ordinary life or fulfill the responsibility endowed by fate?-Along the way, two men stand out to escort and guide you. Will you fall for the handsome Lancelot, or the charming Arthur?-Throughout your legendary journey, each choice will affect your mission of rejuvenating your people!Spring Paradise-The people closest to you keep disappearing, and you’re being hunted by mysterious strangers! What will you do? Run for your life? Or fight against this strange new power?- What happened in the Forbidden Forest 60 years ago? What secret is buried there?Follow us:facebook.com/Stories-Love-and-Choices-100215298014572instagram.com/storiesloveandchoicestwitter.com/PickFate沉迷于各种各样的故事中,过上自己的梦想生活!您可以找到您可以想象的每一种故事-科幻小说,浪漫史,神秘故事,传奇故事等等!在每个故事中,您都可以做出重要的选择并决定自己的命运。功能:✦创建自己喜欢的角色!享受浪漫,令人惊叹的惊人体验!for为自己选择并创造自己的命运!through通过独特的沉浸式叙事技巧体验不同的生活方式!故事中的非凡书籍:我是野人[第1季结束] -夜兄弟是四个吸血鬼律师,而你是他们的新助手!-您能帮助他们解决这个幻想世界中的谋杀之谜,还是他们的调情使您分心?玩找出来!失落的女儿-在夏天和您的朋友一起去海边度假时,一次事故使您坠入大海!当您醒来时,会发现自己是美人鱼!-赢得敌人间谍,救出您的善良战士或多年对您有感情的最好朋友的心。-您能否利用爱的力量推翻邪恶的国王,并在海中拯救您的真实家园?渴望欲望-神奇地将其运回法国,回到了1667年,您调查了国王的暗杀未遂事件...-引发宫廷阴谋,以及与王子和公爵一起热闹的三角恋情,您会找到回家的路吗?甚至愿意吗?如何捉住骗子-您是忠诚度检查员,测试人们对伙伴的忠诚度,这真是一个该死的好人。但是,如果您被聘用来测试纽约最想要的单身汉,Silverstein Corp.的首席运营官Matt Dalton,可能还不够。-假扮他的助手时,您的工作就是诱使他并在新年前夜让他上床睡觉,但是当您发现Matt是您的老头时,事情就会变得一团糟。-在这个浪漫的冬季仙境故事中,依the在沙发上。为我唱歌-当音乐界最炙手可热的流行歌手撞上你时,您刚刚抵达纽约,就可以开始新的生活!-Lucas Lucky迷人,轻浮,并决心让您成为他的缪斯女神。但是有一个跟踪者跟踪他的一举一动,而您就是新的目标。-在这个热闹的惊悚片中浏览名声的魅力和危险时,请保持智慧。亲爱的日记-当一生的爱情向另一个女人求婚时,您就有机会回到过去,改变过去!-放宽你的大学生活,你可以在他为时已晚之前偷走他的心吗?还是他最好的朋友会偷你的?梅林:爱情与命运-铁匠的女儿,你发现自己是一个受迫害的德鲁伊部落的后裔。你会继续过上平常的生活还是履行命运赋予的责任?-一路走来,两个人站出来护送并指导您。您会爱上英俊的Lancelot还是迷人的Arthur?-在您的传奇旅程中,每一个选择都会影响您振兴民族的使命!春天天堂-离您最近的人不断消失,而您正在被神秘的陌生人追捕!你会怎么做?为您的生命而奔跑?还是要与这种奇怪的新力量作斗争?-60年前的禁林发生了什么?什么秘密被埋在那里?跟着我们:facebook.com/Stories-Love-and-Choices-100215298014572instagram.com/storiesloveandchoicestwitter.com/PickFate


版本号: 1.2010260催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2022-05-03
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 4.1及更高



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