Musician Simulator
Have you dreamt of becoming a rapper or a rocker? Or maybe you like Korean pop music? In this game, you can become anyone you want! Besides, you can also start a relationship, family, have children or get pets. But let's start from the very beginning:- The game has 12 different genres and up to 90 subgenres. For instance, you can choose not just rock, but it's subgenre - metal, grunge or indie rock. Choose not just rap, but old school, new school or grime. Create solo tracks or albums, or co-release with your idols. Besides creating music, you can also create your own music videos!- Having enough money, you can open your own recording studio, label or any other business. Purchase new equipment or hire new employees and label members to generate even more income!- Found your own band of 16 people: DJ, bass guitarist, backing vocalist, drummer, keyboard player, rhythm guitarist, etc. Choose the band name/logo and hire your idols or real friends!- Aside from music, the game offers a life simulator: you can get a wife or a husband, have children and get pets. They will all grow, live, and interact with you. The game offers a variety of real estate pieces and transport means that can be purchased and improved!- There is also a non-linear story with different choices that affect the end of the whole story. But those preferring the classic simulator can disable this mode.All of this and so much more can be found in the "Musician Simulator"! :)您是否梦想过成为一名说唱歌手或摇滚歌手?或者,也许您喜欢韩国流行音乐?在这个游戏中,您可以成为想要的任何人!此外,您还可以开始恋爱关系,家庭,生孩子或养宠物。但是,让我们从头开始:-游戏有12种不同类型,最多90种子类型。例如,您不仅可以选择岩石,还可以选择子类型-金属,垃圾摇滚或独立摇滚。不仅要选择说唱,还应选择旧学校,新学校或污垢。创建独奏曲目或专辑,或与您的偶像共同发行。除了创作音乐,您还可以创作自己的音乐视频!-有了足够的资金,您就可以开设自己的录音室,唱片公司或任何其他公司。购买新设备或雇用新员工和标签成员以产生更多收入!-建立了自己的16人乐队:DJ,贝斯吉他手,背景歌手,鼓手,键盘手,节奏吉他手等。选择乐队名称/徽标并雇用您的偶像或真实朋友!-除了音乐外,游戏还提供生活模拟器:您可以娶妻或娶夫,生孩子并养宠物。他们都会成长,生活并与您互动。该游戏提供了各种可以购买和改进的房地产和运输工具!-还有一个非线性故事,具有不同的选择,会影响整个故事的结局。但是那些喜欢经典模拟器的人可以禁用此模式。所有这些以及更多内容都可以在“音乐模拟器”中找到! :)


开发商: Cat Games Studio
版本号: 1.1.0催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2021-01-28
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 4.4及更高



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