Milky Way Miner - Idle Clicker
You’re Earth’s greatest tycoon, but there’s a whole galaxy out there with your name on it. Command an enterprising fleet of robots who specialize in drilling, schlepping, and mining, and explore strange planets as you grow your empire to an astronomical net worth. Do you have what it takes to become the next galactic millionaire—or even better, gazillionaire? ENJOY A DEEP ADVENTURETravel the Milky Way in this huge, stylish, and crazily fun idle-clicker miner tycoon game. EXPLORE SPACE AND CONQUER PLANETS See what different planets have to offer, like gold and other resources, while you oversee construction of factories and become the best miner you can be. UNLEASH YOUR INNER CAPITALISTDeploy a varied fleet of robots to do your bidding as you mine ore and earn big money across entire systems.FEATURES• Accumulate tons of idle cash, even when you're offline• Show your idle miner skills, and construct the best mines• Hire and motivate wacky robot bosses with unique buffs to avoid clicking and bump up your idle income• Use your capitalist skills to carefully choose where to invest your cash to make more, more, more!• Explore and conquer up to five planets, each with completely different resources - gold, ore, and more• Immerse yourself in spectacular graphics and an ambient soundtrackClimb to the top of this idle miner clicker game and become the capitalist you’re meant to be!您是地球上最伟大的大亨,但那里有一整个星系,上面有您的名字。指挥一支进取型的机器人团队,他们专门从事钻探,切割和采矿,并随着您的帝国发展成天文的净资产,探索奇异的行星。您是否有能力成为下一位银河百万富翁,甚至更好,成为亿万富翁?享受深度冒险在这个庞大,时尚,疯狂有趣的闲置点击矿工大亨游戏中,穿越银河。探索空间和征服星球在监督工厂建设并成为最佳采矿者的同时,看看不同的星球必须提供什么,例如黄金和其他资源。释放您的内部资产部署各种各样的机器人,以在您开采矿石时进行投标,并在整个系统中赚大钱。特征•即使您处于离线状态,也可以累积大量闲置现金•显示您空闲的矿工技能,并建造最好的地雷•通过独特的增益来雇用和激励古怪的机器人老板,避免点击并增加闲置收入•利用您的资本家技能,仔细选择将现金投资于何处以赚更多,更多,更多!•探索和征服多达五个星球,每个星球拥有完全不同的资源-金,矿石等•将自己沉浸在壮观的图形和环境音轨中爬到这个闲置的矿工点击器游戏的顶部,成为您注定要成为的资本家!


开发商: Rogue Games, Inc.
版本号: 1.5催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2020-12-15
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 6.0及更高



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