Hey! Mr. President - 2020 Election Simulator
DISCLAIMERALL CHARACTERS, INCIDENTS, ORGANIZATIONS, AND BACKGROUND ARE FICTITIOUS.Hey, Mr. President will take you on an exciting journey of the presidential election. This will be the election simulator in 2020!You got a few days left before the big day, and you and your competitors are still having a rough fight! Now, no matter if you root for Trump or Biden, you can be your favorite candidate and help them get all the supporters they need to win the US election!Download it, play it, win it, and celebrate your victory now! Best of luck to you all!Developer’s prefaceHey, what’s up! ?We are a tiny team consist of two people and a little daughter.Our goal is to make our politicians do more work instead of merely talking.At the same time, it’s also our purpose to show everyone that being a candidate is difficult. It’s never easy to find a balance point among everyone. Here, you will realize that every politician has their own strengths and weaknesses. That’s why it's never enough to count on one single person to change our country or even the world.I believe, this is the time when everyone can influence people by changing themselves first, especially when you are in the position of a president; You could see better and do more.And it can all start with you!It took us months to finish Hey! Mr. President, but there is so much more to be done. We will be adding more stuff here and there in the near future. I hope you would come by and check out what’s new and what’s cool. We will be moving forward with all of you guys.We simply wish to make our country great and the world a better place.Written on February 28th, 2020.免责声明所有字符,事件,组织和背景都是虚构的。嘿,总统先生将带您进行总统大选的激动人心的旅程。这将是2020年的选举模拟器!在重要的日子还剩几天的时候,您和您的竞争对手仍在艰难地战斗!现在,无论您是支持特朗普还是拜登,都可以成为自己最喜欢的候选人,并帮助他们获得赢得美国大选所需的所有支持者!立即下载,播放,赢得和庆祝胜利!祝大家好运!开发人员序言嘿,怎么了! ?我们是一个由两个人和一个小女儿组成的小团队。我们的目标是使我们的政治家做更多的工作,而不仅仅是讲话。同时,这也是我们的目的,向所有人展示成为候选人很困难。在所有人之间找到平衡点绝非易事。在这里,您将认识到每个政治家都有自己的优点和缺点。这就是为什么仅仅依靠一个人来改变我们的国家甚至整个世界是不够的。我相信,这是每个人都可以通过首先改变自己来影响人们的时候,尤其是当您担任总统职位时;您可以看得更好,做得更多。这一切都可以从你开始!我们花了几个月的时间才能完成嘿!总统先生,但是还有很多事情要做。我们将在不久的将来在这里和那里添加更多的东西。希望您能来看看有什么新功能和新功能。我们将与大家一起前进。我们只是希望使我们的国家更美好,世界更美好。写于2020年2月28日。


开发商: BBAPE
版本号: 1.118催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2022-03-15
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 5.0及更高
网络: 不需要



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