Sister Splash! Sexy Swimsuit Anime Dating Sim
Find your perfect anime girlfriend in this unique bishoujo game from Genius Studio Japan!■Synopsis■ You were once a celebrated swimming champion until you suffered a traumatic experience that's kept you away from water ever since. You thought your swimming career was over until you were asked to transfer schools and become the coach of an all-girls swim team. The girls are all pretty cute, but the only trouble is these girls can't seem to agree on anything. You soon discover why, when you learn the swim teams three key swimmers are triplets! Do you have what it takes to coach this team of sexy sisters while overcoming your own past trauma? Will you find love along the way? Sink or swim in our latest title, Sister Splash!■Characters■ ◇Mitsuba◇She is the most innocent and also the youngest of the sisters, though sadly, she's also the slowest on the team. Since she can be a bit of a ditz, most people doubt her abilities. But this doesn't seem to stop her. Mitsuba has a heart of gold and works harder than anyone else to help make up for her lack of talent. All she really needs though is a little guidance. Will you teach this cutie to be a winner? ◇Nia◇The troubled middle child with an attitude to match, who also happens to be one of the most talented members on the team. She's the hardest on you, and won't let up on the fact you can't swim anymore. But this just seems to be her way of showing you she cares, and might actually be the push you need to overcome your past trauma. Will you be able to break through her shell and get her to overcome her doubts about you?◇Ichie◇Your number one supporter and also the eldest of the sisters, Ichie is the flirty fun type of girl you always dreamed of. She has a heavy load to bear though, taking care of her sisters while also picking up the slack on the swim team. Nevertheless, she always wears a beautiful smile, especially whenever she gets to spend time with you. Will you help lift some of the weight off of her shoulders and be the guy she depends on?在Genius Studio Japan的这款独特的美少女游戏中找到您理想的动漫女友!■简介■您曾经是著名的游泳冠军,直到您经历了一次痛苦的经历,此后一直使您远离水。您认为自己的游泳生涯已经结束,直到被要求转学并成为女子游泳队的教练。这些女孩都很可爱,但是唯一的麻烦是这些女孩似乎无法达成任何共识。您很快就会发现为什么,当您学习游泳队时,三位主要游泳运动员都是三胞胎!在克服自己过去的创伤时,您是否有能力指导这支性感姐妹团队?一路上会找到爱吗?用我们最新的标题Sister Splash游泳或游泳!■字符■◇三叶◇她是姐妹中最无辜的,也是最年轻的,尽管可悲的是,她也是团队中最慢的。由于她可能有点呆板,所以大多数人都怀疑她的能力。但这似乎并没有阻止她。三叶拥有一颗金子般的心,并且比其他任何人都更加努力地帮助弥补她的才华不足。她真正需要的只是一点指导。您会教这个美女成为赢家吗?◇妮娅◇陷入困境的中间孩子具有与人比赛的态度,他也恰巧是团队中最有才华的成员之一。她对你最难,不会因为你不再游泳而放松。但这似乎只是她向您展示自己关心的方式,实际上可能是您克服过去的创伤所需要的推动力。您能否突破她的束缚,让她克服对您的怀疑?◇市一◇Ichie是您的第一支持者,也是姐妹中的长子,是您一直梦of以求的好玩型女孩。她负担很重,既要照顾姐妹,又要弥补游泳队的懈怠。尽管如此,她总是带着美丽的笑容,尤其是每当她花时间陪伴您时。您会帮助她减轻一些负担,成为她所依赖的人吗?


版本号: 3.1.11催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2023-10-14
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 5.1及更高



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