Darkarta : A Broken Heart's Quest
HOW FAR WILL YOU GO TO SAVE YOUR ONLY DAUGHTER FROM DEATH?AN UNTOLD SAGA OF TRUE LOVE from the game house of Tuttifrutti Interactive.DARKARTA: A BROKEN HEART'S QUEST(Collector's Edition)‘Darkarta’ is the frantic quest of a mother in search of her kidnapped daughter along the enchanted valleys of forgotten Indus civilization. Like all moms, for Mary her daughter Sophia was everything.Mary came with her husband and daughter to these remote isles, in search of her long lost family roots. She never knew the story of her dark past until the day she received that strange, mysterious letter. In a fraction of second, her life is shattered forever! Broken & betrayed, she is forced to step onto a game of life and death, where danger is awaiting her in every corner! You are Mary on this journey. Enter the enchanted 'Netherworld' where your destiny is written in blood and which whispers of true love. 3700 years have gone by, but even time could not heal it…The sweetest songs are those that sing of broken hearts...WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? (Did you hear us say, hmm...unique features??)⭐ AN EXCITING JOURNEY THROUGH THE LOST CIVILIZATION OF THE INDUS VALLEYThe game was inspired by Indus fantasy mythologies/epics and the philosophy of ‘reincarnation’. Mysterious twists and turns await you and your journey unravels an unexplored, magnificent fictional world!⭐ THE GAME OF MOTHERHOOD, AGAINST RACISM!An untold saga of true love.It’s also about the ‘lost & forgotten lives’ of star crossed lovers, torn apart from each other by the racist world! Darkarta raises voice against the most prevailing evil of all times, ‘racism’ upholding humanity.⭐ UNFORESEEN ENVIRONS WITH 5-6 HRS OF GAME PLAYCritically acclaimed artistry! Breath-taking visuals! Very detailed scenes with non-repetitive puzzles. ⭐ PREQUEL COMIC BOOKA beautifully illustrated comic book with the backstory of the main plot.⭐ BONUS CHAPTER: “RISING OF THE PHOENIX”The player gets the freedom of playing in ‘GOD’ mode in the bonus chapter for the Collector’s Edition.⭐ MOM'S DIARY PAGESThe memories, thoughts, and even actions of Mary are carefully crafted on the diary pages. It also has a detailed character sketch, list of objectives to accomplish, and the route map which shows your current position in the game. ⭐ 30 NOSTALGIC MEMORY COLLECTIBLESYou may collect precious, valuable & nostalgic memories on your way or after the gameplay. ⭐ 36 HALL OF FAME MEDALSBag all the titles from our original and authentic ‘Hall of Fame’ list and make us proud!⭐ 28 MORPHING OBJECTSCollect morphing objects on your go or after! ⭐ CONCEPTS, WALL PAPERS & SOUND TRACKSMesmerizing music would make you feel like heaven! ⭐ REPLAY MINI GAMES/HOP/CUT-SCENES As you dive into the bewitched 'Netherworld', fear of the unknown or fear of the unexpected, what will stop you?If it is to save your one and only daughter, how far will you go? FOLLOW US HERE:Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/tuttifrutti.in Twitter - https://twitter.com/tuttifrutti_gamInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/tuttifrutti.inPinterest- https://in.pinterest.com/tuttifruttigamesLinkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/tuttifrutti-interactive您将如何远免死亡?Tuttifrutti Interactive 游戏屋的真实爱情传奇。达喀尔:破碎的心愿(典藏版)“达卡塔(Darkarta)”是一位母亲的疯狂追求,目的是在被遗忘的印度河文明迷人的山谷中寻找被绑架的女儿。像所有妈妈一样,对玛丽来说,她的女儿索菲娅就是一切。玛丽带着她的丈夫和女儿来到这些偏僻的小岛,以寻找她长期失去的家庭根源。直到收到那封奇怪而神秘的信的那一天,她才知道自己过去的黑暗故事。在不到一秒钟的时间内,她的生命将永远崩溃!破碎和出卖了她,她被迫踏上了一场生死攸关的游戏,危险在每个角落等待着她!您是这趟旅程的玛丽。进入一个迷人的“虚空世界”,在这里您的命运被鲜血所写,并传来真挚的爱。3700年过去了,但是即使时间也无法治愈……最甜蜜的歌是那些伤心的歌... 您期望什么? (您听到我们说了吗,嗯...独特的功能?)⭐通过印第安纳河谷迷失的文明而经历的精彩旅程该游戏的灵感来自于印度幻想神话/史诗和“轮回”的哲学。神秘的曲折等待着您,您的旅程将揭开一个未开发,宏伟的虚构世界的面纱!⭐种族主义的游戏,反对种族主义!真爱无比的传奇。这还涉及到星际穿越的恋人的“迷失与被遗忘的生活”,被种族主义世界彼此撕裂!达卡(Darkarta)发出反对有史以来最普遍的邪恶的声音,即维护人类的“种族主义”。⭐具有5-6 HRS游戏体验的未知环境极受赞誉的艺术性!令人叹为观止的视觉效果!非常详细的场景,带有非重复性拼图。⭐前传漫画书一本插图精美的漫画书,带有主要情节的背景故事。⭐奖金章节:“凤凰城的崛起” 珍藏版的奖励章节中,玩家可以在“神灵”模式下自由玩耍。⭐MOM的日记页面玛丽的回忆,思想甚至行动都是在日记本上精心制作的。它还具有详细的角色草图,要完成的目标列表以及显示您当前在游戏中位置的路线图。⭐30记忆式收藏您可能会在途中或玩完游戏后收集珍贵,有价值和怀旧的回忆。⭐36名人堂奖章囊括我们原始和真实的“名人堂”列表中的所有标题,让我们感到自豪!⭐28个变形对象随时随地收集变形对象!⭐概念,墙壁纸和声音轨迹迷人的音乐会让您感觉像天堂!⭐重播迷你游戏/跳跃/剪切场景当您陷入魔幻的“虚幻世界”时,害怕未知的事物或害怕意外的事物,什么会阻止您?如果要挽救你唯一的女儿,你要走多远? 在此处关注我们:Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/tuttifrutti.in Twitter- https://twitter.com/tuttifrutti_gam Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/tuttifrutti.in Pinterest- https://in.pinterest.com/tuttifruttigames Linkedin- https://www.linkedin.com/company/tuttifrutti-interactive


版本号: 1.0.30-free催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2020-12-28
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 6.0及更高
网络: 不需要



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