My Love: Make Your Choice
My Love: Make Your Choice is a game full of romance, comedy, mystery, dating, adventure, excitement and love. Your choices determine how the story continues: meet new friends, follow your dreams and maybe even find the love of your life. We release exciting new content full of adventure, romance, and suspense every week.* Choose your favorite books from our ever-growing library. * Get to know a huge variety of characters and decide what happens next in your interactive story* Customize your character and choose from many different gorgeous outfits!* Flirt with cute boys and girls, go on dates, fall in love - or stay happily single if you want!* Discover an exciting, complex and vast story world, chapter by chapter* Find new chapter releases every week. * Read over 200 funny short Chat Stories!SOME OF OUR CURRENT BOOKSFashion Rebels: Welcome to Magnolia Magazine, the most important fashion magazine in New York! From now on designer clothing, catwalks and glamour are part of your everyday life - if you can win over the editor-in-chief. But not only the fashion world wants to be conquered - also the attractive editor Ethan. But not everything that glitters is gold in the world of fashion.Festival Summer: This is gonna be the summer of your life! You're ready for four days of partying, music, and dancing with your best friend at the legendary Moonlake festival. But things don't go as planned and you find yourself alone amidst trendy bands, scheming producers and hot musicians. Can you make friends with the up-and-coming band Jupiter Rain or maybe even more? Hot flirts, raging parties and loads of fun await you - but also some unexpected challenges. High School - A Survival Guide: It’s your first year of high school - time to change your image from wallflower to queen B! But how? By confiding in the rebellious Flynn, becoming a cheerleader, or teaming up with your nemisis to get elected to the student council?More Than Friends: You are a freshmen at one of the most prestigeous universities in the world! Your roommate is a cool DJane from Berlin, your professor is a Pulitzer Prize winner and on your first day at the campus ythe cutest guy at the university runs into (literally). This could be a damn good first semester.Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mylovemakeyourchoiceFollow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MyLove_MakeYourChoice/Do you have technical difficulties or questions? Then contact us via the in-game support link or write an email to mylove-support@gamebook.io.Please note: In My Love: Make Your Choice, you can buy items with real money. Please disable in-app purchases if you do not want this feature!Our Terms of Use can be found here: https://myloveapp.com/terms-of-use/And our privacy policy here: https://myloveapp.com/privacy/我的爱:做出选择是一款充满浪漫,喜剧,神秘,约会,冒险,兴奋和爱的游戏。您的选择决定了故事的发展方向:结识新朋友,追寻梦想,甚至找到对生活的热爱。我们每周都会发布充满冒险,浪漫和悬念的令人兴奋的新内容。*从我们不断增长的图书馆中选择自己喜欢的书。*了解各种各样的角色,并确定互动故事中接下来会发生什么*自定义您的角色并从许多不同的华丽服装中选择!*与可爱的男孩和女孩调情,约会,坠入爱河-或根据需要快乐地保持单身!*逐章探索令人兴奋,复杂而广阔的故事世界*每周查找新的章节版本。*阅读200多个有趣的简短聊天故事!我们的一些当前书Fashion Rebels:欢迎阅读《 Magnolia》杂志,这是纽约最重要的时尚杂志!从现在开始,走秀和魅力已成为您日常生活的一部分-如果您能赢得总编辑的话。但不仅时尚界希望被征服-有吸引力的编辑伊桑(Ethan)。但是,并不是所有闪闪发光的东西在时尚界都是金子。Festival Summer:这将是你一生的夏天!您已经准备好与传奇的Moonlake音乐节与您最好的朋友一起参加四天的聚会,音乐和跳舞。但是事情并没有按计划进行,您会发现自己在新潮乐队,策划制作人和炙手可热的音乐家之中。您能否与新兴乐队Jupiter Rain甚至更多交朋友?热情的调情,激烈的聚会和无尽的欢乐等待着您-但也有一些意想不到的挑战。高中-生存指南:这是您高中的第一年-是时候将您的形象从壁花变成女王B了!但是如何?通过与叛逆的Flynn交往,成为啦啦队长,或者与您的反对者合作而被选入学生会?朋友多:您是世界上最负盛名的大学之一的新生!您的室友是来自柏林的酷酷DJane,您的教授是普利策奖的获得者,在您进入校园的第一天,大学里最可爱的家伙就碰到了(字面上的意思)。这可能是一个该死的好第一学期。在Facebook上关注我们:http://www.facebook.com/mylovemakeyourchoice在Instagram上关注我们:https://www.instagram.com/MyLove_MakeYourChoice/您有技术上的困难或疑问吗?然后通过游戏内支持链接与我们联系,或发送电子邮件至mylove-support@gamebook.io。请注意:在“我的爱人:做出选择”中,您可以用真钱购买物品。如果您不想使用此功能,请禁用应用内购买!我们的使用条款可以在这里找到:https://myloveapp.com/terms-of-use/还有我们的隐私政策:https://myloveapp.com/privacy/


开发商: Experimental Game AG
版本号: 1.22.0催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2023-04-20
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 5.0及更高
网络: 不需要



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